Funniness and below is my surveyness.
Warning Sensitive Material: Edited for Classified Content
+ Would you ever ---- someone younger than ---? Well reality says yes.
+ Someone older? That has also happened.
+ Ever been drunk? Oh once or twice. Just a wee bit dancy/bitey.
+ Been -- love? yes
+ Loved someone who you knew you couldn't have?Well...My first childhood crush, Han. You are just so damned rugged.
+ Gotten in a car accident? -o
+ Broken a bone? Two. I'm hardcore.
+ Had your heart broken? Yes.
+ When was the last time you cried? This morning.
+ Last time you said I love you to someone: ---- -------.
+ Last time you -------: Dr. Who is funny. And I just finished the episode.
+ What age do you see yourself married at? Whatever it please God.
+ Describe your dream wedding: Black, White. Calla Lilies.
+ Do you sleep with a stuffed animal? --------s
+ If you could dye your hair one color what would it be? Anime Red. Then I'd fight the evil.
+ Do you eat chicken with fingers or with a ----? Both. I'm ambidextrous.
+ Would you rather give or receive? Depends what I am giving and what I am receiving. For instance I would rather give a kidney punch but I would rather receive and onyx ring.
+ How many homes have you lived in total? //stricken for the record in its entirety, security risk//
+ One pillow or two? one for sleeping and another for when I want to sit up and read.
+ Do you get along with your parents? HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA....seriously, that's comedy.
+ Whats your favorite color(s)? Black, Blue, Red, Purple, Green, Jewel tones really.
+ Do you work? //stricken//
+ Whats your favorite food(s): Foreign and hearty american food.
+ Do you have braces? A long time ago. For 4 icky years and my teeth are still a little crooked.
+ When was --- last time you went -- a date? I don't go on many official dates.
+ Have you ever been in serious trouble? //stricken//
+ Why is the sky blue? the blood of the smurfs scattered to the wind and settled in the atmosphere as a reminder of the glorious victory.
+ Who was your first crush? Han.
+ When you meet a person of your preferred sex, you first notice their: Eyes, then whether or not they look angry and/or violent.
+ Are you the romantic type? Well my idea of romance is being coated in the blood of your enemies and turning to smile at your lover as you charge into a battle of hopeless odds....
+ Have you ever been chased by cops? //stricken//
1. Name: --------
2. age: 2*
3. location: //stricken//
4. love interest: Cookieface
*star wars*
5. like star wars: Like I said...Han
6. what is your favorite star wars chacter: Torn between Han, Ewan McGregor as Obi Wan or Gold Bikini Leia
7. what planet is luke from: This is a trick question.
8. who played princess leia: Carrie Fisher...she is also insane.
9. how did chewie and han meet: On a wind-swept night in the sand with the full moon overhead...see Ryan's answer.
10. your favorite star wars movie: Revenge of the Jedi ;)
11. what do you think happens after death: Heaven or Hell at some point.
12. do you welcome death: Not particularly, I do have plans for the next 60 or so years. And I do hate to have my plans interrupted.
13. did someone close to you die: Hmmm...Not anyone really close but I did have a teammate commit suicide my senior year.
14. do you belive in the ideals of beauty truth freedom and love: When will you stop with this ridiculous obsession with love?
15. are you one of the children of the revolution: You can't stop the children of the revolution.
16. do you believe in true love: Wuv Twu Wuv Is What Bwings Us he ya twoday
17. are you in love: //stricken//
18. have you ever ---- in love: REPEAT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
19. who do you hate currently: Well I'm in //stricken// and it is a terrible state. I hate the state, does that count?
20. who hates you right now: No idea, but I'm sure they are many in number.
21. describe to the best of your ability the word hate: Loves darker half.
*material items*
22. favorite item: Hmm..I'm too mercurial in my favorite items.
23. kinda car you want: Mazda 6. Dark blue. Or a TARDIS
24. do you like money? Money is nothing. What money can get you is everything.
25. are you a materialistic person: Well I am not ephemeral.
There were Final Fantasy questions here!?Aw man!
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/ Stricken /
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36. do you belive in god: Resounding Yes.
37. do you belive in magick: I really wish it existed.
38. are you druidic: Funny, I don't look Druish
39. do you find answers in nature: Well mathmatics is the alphabet in which God wrote the Universe, and I do seem to remember taking a math test. So I suppose yes.
40. do you belive in spectrals: spectral bloom filters?
*health habits*
41. do you bathe daily: Most of the time. A skipped shower here and there.
42. do you smoke: Only when I burst into flames.
43. do drugs: Only on my Soma Holiday
44. drink: mmmm chocolate milkahol
45. brush teeth like ur suposed to: ur...Lets not bring ancient cities into the dental world.
46. share needles: well all the clever answers are taken.
48. r u stressed most of the time: Well.....only at ----.
//End Sensitive Material//