So school started today. It was…meh. Nothing particularly interesting.
Course rundown:
Period 1: French II--ten kids in the class, all freshman except me and this one other junior who I don't particularly like.
Period 2: Contemporary American History and Culture--FML. we have a 500 word essay due every week, including one on Friday. UGHHH.
Period 3: Contemporary American Culture--the English counterpart to CAHC, we are going to be reading Slaughter House Five, which seems good. Ms. Alsup is fucking amazing, she swears ALL the time.
Period 4: Footnotes/Chorus--standard stuff, we have a boss class though.
Period 5: Advanced Math--Ms. Mills is cool, and we have a massive class, I miss Ms. Sanch already though~
Period 6: Academic Support--study hall. nothing special.
Period 7: Chemistry--JULIA IS IN MY CLASS! I think we're gonna be lab partners! Ahhh, I love that girl. Charlie and Kitch are also in the class too, so it should be a good time.
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