Apr 10, 2009 12:16
So I've been crazy busy in the best ways of late! In order to do something slightly naughty and completely new to me, almost every moment of time for the past 2 weeks has been budgeted and metered out to the minute. I've been saying yes to many new things and I think I like the places it is taking me. I have booked my own passage to Obamaland (a first). Also a first is being in DC because I have never been here before either. I came on a whim to meet someone. Everything here will be new to me. My favorite kind of adventure. I've never ridden a train. And I made it from Nashville to Maryland to DC all by me onesies. Woot! I feel accomplished. Now my brain can go guh!
It's a gorgeous day. I'm near a park. Might chill there for a bit!
Ps. Apparently I either a) look like a native b) look exceedingly knowledgable or most likely c) the horrid stench of former retail worker still desperately clings to me like a flurry of ravens still trying to find some morsel to pick from my retail tired bones because I haven't had so many people throughout the entire trip ask me so many questions about places I know absolutely nothing about and have never even seen in my entire life. Weird.
I try to tell people: I move with purpose. It doesn't mean I know where I'm going.