
May 23, 2005 19:53

Ok great game guys even in the pouring rain. the only injury was to Gillis and yeah as unfortunate as that is he is ok now lol poor guy! it was freezing in Dover and like down pours then nothing then another down pour. it was horrible the game ended, 9-5 us, and Jaxx and I sprinted to the warm bus only some of the windows were slightly open so it wasnt all that warm. feet soaked and my hair is nice and curly. then we headed to mickey d's and had a blast with what we have adoringly named "senior story time" and i somehow ended up sandwiched between Duhaime and Harder in one side of a booth. and the rest of the seniors were crowded around us it was great. except harder kept pushing me over poor duhaime i was like in the kids lap but we still had fun. wyatt actually both of them and kearnsy who played his first game back tonight, and timmy and masi and jaxx. its always a good time with them. last regular season game is wednesday night at home versus timberlane whom we beat the first time around. should b good. be there! at 4 i think. b there early bc its senior night! already i know its weird... but im out im like half asleep and its only 8. sad huh? oh well im tired such as life.
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