Apr 25, 2005 17:06
well, today has officially been THE worst day EVER!!!!! i'm so sick and tired of everyone and everything! my best friends, of all people, doing this to me. saying i dont listen, saying i dont care about anyone but myself. calling me a slut. my BEST friends. how can they even say that's what they are to me when they act like this? i haven't cried in school since 6th grade when me and my 2 best friends had a HUGE fight. we were all hugging eachother saying we were sorry. no such luck this time. it started in first block. my headache kicked in full gear and i am aparantly now "acting like a total slut". then second, headache was worse, wouldn't talk because all i could think about was the fact that my best friend just called me a slut. so i wrote a note to my best friend and told her about my already bad day. and i didn't want to sit inside and pretend i was happy, because i wasn't. so i sat outside with Bryan and Kensie. he made me laugh. i love him for that. then the rest of third was alright as it could get for being Algebra 2. then my mom comes in 5 minutes before 4th to give me some medicine for my head. so i take it, walk back to meet up with Doug because i was already downstairs. see christopher, says he hopes my day gets better. see jessie, hands me a note from caitlin. meet Doug, he walks me to the pillar because he has health in the Eagle room. open the note and walk to gym. didn't even see Bryan standing next to me until he nudges my arm, me already starting to cry. because that note, had to be one of the worst notes ever. saying that i truly am a slut, i dont care about anyone but myself, i dont listen to anyone, every fight me and jessie ever had was my fault(which was totally irrelevant to everything), saying i do everything to get attention, that everyone else thinks the same as her. im a slut. and saying that i better change. i usually dont give a shit about what other people say about me because they dont know me and i dont care. but these are my BEST friends saying al this. so i get into the locker room and i'm balling. Mandy and Rachel and Holly all come over and sit with me. they all say i'm not a slut and that i shouldnt worry about what they say because i know what i am and what goes on in my life and if they're really my friends then they wouldn't have even thought that. Amanda made me smile in gym. i love her to death. i don't know what i would do without her. then i get home and get online to talk to Bryan and he's not on yet, so i start downloading some pics. then i start to cry more because they're pics of me and caitlin having a good time at her house, and how mow all she sees me as is a slut. Bryan gets on and i kinda stop crying a little. he tells me to call him and talk. i talk to him on the phone for an hour. he makes me feel better, makes me laugh. i've lost my best friends. jessie, caitlin, andrea. they all think of me as a slut. i suppose i can't call them my best friends anymore.