Jul 30, 2002 11:00
hey everyone, it's my b-day 2 day. ;D it was an ok b-day! my niece slept ova, she's 3 1/2 she's so cute n funny i love her tehe ;D, well me n my sister played w/ her n just chilled. when she feel asleep we watched "now n then" when i woke up they were the 1st people 2 say happy birthday awe. lol! we have cake n opened presents @ like 2:30, i basicly got a walk 2 remember on DVD, a computer chair, a mouse pad, new mouse, this CD cover maker thing 4 my computer, cd case n shit like that!
i'm going 2 NJ 4 like four days starting 2morrow! were leaving when my sister gets out of dance 2morrow witch it like 7:15 i think, were driving there wesnday then goin staight 2 our hotel, then thurday were goin 2 eatheir 6 flag's or hurrican habor, friday were going 2 the one we didnt go 2 thurdsay! so i'll update when i get back, have a great week all luv yas bbyes