The Season Is Upon Us

Oct 16, 2009 07:01

Well I feel as if I should have some fantastic thing to say to kick start this journal but I don"t. I am vegging out after eating waffles for dinner followed by a Klondike bar:) Jeez, can't do that too often. I am trying to eat all the extra food up so I can make good use of what I buy. Hubby and I are planning on cranking out a tight budget on Sun morn. I want to save some money to go to Greece in the spring. My friend has a cousin in Crete and she said we could stay with them. I am very excited. I also want to pay for a college class for my daughter, Then there's Christmas thrown in there too. I have my granddaughter's birth scheduled for Dec. 4th as well as husband and other granddaughter's birthday the week of Christmas. Wow, I better get busy knitting.......Wait, I don't knit!
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