utterly tasteless minddump

Mar 13, 2006 10:20

warning: do not take this seriously. just taking out the trash before the week begins.

this morning i found myself thinking a lot about what kind of person would make the perfect partner for me. i know i've said before that i would like to BE the perfect partner, but that was an easy answer and to be honest, i don't really like thinking about these things...

when it comes to falling, i know i won't be able to choose. when you fall, you fall. it may even depend on certain factors, not the least of which would be desperation -- but at the moment i'm not able to foresee exactly what those factors will be.

i guess i had too much time this morning. thinking of the perfect partner led me to evaluate my own situation, because i am convinced that the ideal is nothing more than a reflection of how things are. my definition of the "perfect guy" or the "perfect girl" changes over time because i change over time.

though for some time now i've been looking for someone who can take care of me. not someone who'll roll his eyes and leave and then coldly wait for me to apologize for breaking down at a bad time. not someone who'll say i haven't been paying enough attention to her lately and start crying over the phone when i say i'm working late again and i can't go home. i would like someone strong, certainly stronger than me. someone experienced who's gone through all of this and know how much more growing up i have to do and can wait.

i'm not grown up. i can't pretend to be. every day of my life is dedicated to not being my age, to not being confined to what i am. someday, maybe, i'll be the person i'm looking for, but at the moment i wish it could be made easier by someone who can convince me that it's okay to be like this.

the perfect person for me will be quiet, witty, calm, reasonable, responsible. this person will have an eclectic taste in music and films and books and will make refreshing conversation. this person will be well-traveled, accomplished and independent. there will be insecurities, chips on our shoulders, exes, hopeless family members, but these will be minor compared to the ultimate challenge of dealing with each other.

it won't be necessary that we have the same background, but i'd like this person to know where i'm coming from, why i behave the way i do, why i feel strongly about certain things... and i'd like to do the same. people are judgmental, and i'm not asking to spend the rest of my life with someone who's not, but i'm hoping for someone who can at least see what else is going on in spite of what he or she believes.

we won't have everything in common, but we will at least have things that are impossible to change about us both, such as not saying everything we feel, and using our hands to speak. we'll do a lot of waving in the air, making gestures to drive away the indecision that would otherwise come out of our lips. we'll sign out laughter. we'll be open with each other in a way that we'll never be with anyone else; we'll be talking with our hands.

seven things meme, tagged by ametsuchi

A. Write down 7 things that piss you off [in no certain order]
1. the arrogance of hacks
2. laziness
3. self-centeredness
4. materialism
5. apathy
6. abusive personalities
7. improper use of certain tagalog terms >:E

B. 7 things that make you happy
1. coding
2. discovering fun new stuff to read
3. well-prepared steaks and burgers - comfort food
4. finishing a project, tying up loose ends
5. kids, generally
6. baaaaby animals
7. getting a difficult piece down on guitar

C. 7 fun things that you wish you could get paid to do for a living (oooh, tough one...)
1. world-building
2. social development work
4. researching local and international folklore
5. fiction collaboration
6. review international resorts and leisure spots >:D
7. playing in a band (requirement: being good enough)

D. Tag 7 people
no tagging for now. feel free :D

...and which lesser Harry Potter character are you?

You are 36% hard-core, and care 55% about the big picture! E.O. Wilson is your hero (pictured). Relatedness functions are your daddy. Haplodiploidy is your mommy. The great thing about your philosophy is that everything can be explained through nice hand-wavy evolutionary dynamics. I'd just like to see you ACTUALLY jump into that river to save those 2 brothers and 8 cousins.

My test tracked 2 variables How you compared to other people your age and gender:

You scored higher than 18% on Hardcore

You scored higher than 50% on Scale
Link: The What kind of Scientist are you Test written by bivort on Ok Cupid, home of the 32-Type Dating Test

You Are an Indie Rocker!

You are in it for the love of the music...
And you couldn't care less about being signed by a big label.
You're all about loving and supporting music - not commercial success.
You may not have the fame and glory, but you have complete control of your career.
What Kind of Rocker Are You?

OT: ladies and gentlemen, my father's smelly client has left the building. i can breathe again.

life, prose

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