Feb 14, 2006 15:19
We had Career Day today. I'm feeling rather sick, I think Christina gave me whatever it was she had because my throat burns and I have a constant headache, and really wasn't feeling the getting dressed up in a suit to impress thing. I did anyways, and I ended up only talking to one company really, ATK Thiokol. I talked to them last semester and did an interview, and I had gone and toured their facilities over the summer, so they knew who I was and had been interested, and they are one of the most sought-after companies on campus. They were one of the few booths at the career fair that had a line, most company reps were sitting around waiting for people to talk to them, and ATK had a line of people waiting. Both of the ATK reps were the same as last semester, and when I talked to Gordon, he remembered exactly who I was, I didn't even introduce myself, he immediately started joking and wanted to know what took me so long to come talk to them. I had just gone to talk to them to keep up connections so that I could have a chance for a full time position after graduation when I talk to them next year, but Gordon ended up telling me that they've still got some internships they are trying to figure out, and that I'm in their list of people that they are really trying to get in there for the summer! He told me that they would be filled in the next 3-4 weeks, so if I didn't hear back from a hiring manager or anything in 3 weeks, I should email them, and then he changed it and said that he hadn't really told anyone this, but gave me an email address and told me to email in the next couple of days and tell them that I'm still very interested in an internship and that they would get it figured out. Eeee!!!! It's funny, because I had given up on them as an option, and I had basically come to say that I don't really care if I have an internship or not this summer because there are plenty of other things I can do, but it would still be really exciting to actually get one with them because they are a company I could see going to work for after graduation, and everyone wants to work for them. And even though it's Utah, it's a whole lot better than Nevada, it's actually pretty there, and it's a lot closer...I could come home for a couple weekends of the summer. And it's coming down to no one else is going to be here for the summer, it looks like Sarah is going to California, and Christina is going to Texas, so it would be crappy to be in this house all summer by myself. So we'll see where that goes.
Things with Joe and I have been changing... we had a really long talk last week, I got everything off of my chest that could have possibly been bothering me. I had actually gone to talk to him to tell him that everything was hurting too much and I wanted him to back off and not talk to me as much, since he had still been calling each night to say goodnight and wanted to do lunch each day. Well, as we were talking, he ended up breaking down. I told him that just because he was over me didn't mean I was over him, and he couldn't believe that I would think he was over me. He said there's no way he would have wanted to spend so much time with me if he was over me. He said he had been trying to figure out all week how to ask me out on a date, because he felt like he had let go of the best thing that had ever happened to him, and he didn't want to let it slip away without fighting for it. We prayed together for a while, it was good. We both came to the conclusion that we still wanted to be together, but things were broken and it would be hard to pick up the pieces, so we've just been talking lately and taking things slow and try to figure out what went wrong. It's been good...we talk to each other different than we used to. I actually almost started a fight yesterday, and he stopped me and said he just wanted to talk about it, he wasn't trying to upset me. We might try the date in a couple of weeks, right now, we're happy where we are, trying to get back to where we were. I figure that God is going to reveal what he wants for us if we give him the time, and either we are both going to be stronger for this and our relationship will be better, or else we're both going to come to the conclusion that it's not meant to be. All we can do now is ride it out.
I'm going to a thing tonight with the church where the college guys are making a huge dinner for the girls, and then Joe and I might do something. He has a huge physics test, so he's probably going to be in an extremely bad mood, but he still wanted to do something for Valentine's Day, even if it's just going to get ice cream or something. It makes me happy.
I've been writing very large entries lately I've noticed. But at least I'm keeping this up better than I used to. The computer screen is hurting my eyes though, so I'm going to use it as an excuse to go sleep for a couple of hours because I feel like crap.
Happy Single's Awareness Day!