A little yada.

Sep 13, 2012 20:03

So I have been almost non-existent in this space lately. Yes, I am still around. Well, I am alive and breathing. Not exactly kicking. In fact, most days I feel like I am struggling. I am constantly tired. There's a thousand and one things on my mind, but I just never get around doing most things. Most days I reach home at about 9pm, spend time with my boy, shower at 11pm and crash at 12 midnight. And 6 hours later, I am awake and raring to go for the day.

I hate to whine and complain. But nowadays I just keep feeling I am just not really living the way i want. At work, I feel like I am not really up to scratch. At home, I struggle with a crying toddler day in day out. As much as I love spending time with my son, I find myself losing my patience a lot. I just lost my cool at bedtime the last two nights cos my boy doesn't want to sleep (even at 10.30pm). Well, point is I really want to write a bit more, but most days all I have in my mind is "I am so darn tired." 心有余,力不足。And quite honestly, I don't think anyone would be interested in how tired I am or how crap I feel.

I think it's time for some change in my life. Soon. The year is coming to an end soon - Abt 3 months! Hopefully I get myself off to more concrete plans before the year ends :)

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