Oops I m late for this week's Thankful Friday post! When it comes to blogging, I 'm a 'lil lazy, I admit; I have drafts and drafts written but never really finished :p
Anyway, this week, I have been out 3 out of 5 weekdays. I went to yoga, shopped, went out for coffee. I feel that my life is finally back on track! Yay!
I used make sure I don't overwhelm the boy with too many outings (I.e. we don't go out on consecutive days) cos I want him to be well-rested (tired and over-stimulated babies are sooooo cranky). Plus i want to make sure that we have a routine in place so that we both know what to expect, which is why i have been somewhat careful not to go out too much so as to disrupt the routine.
These recent few weeks, things have stabilized lots. He has been taking his naps at more or less the same timings. If not I have been able to catch on his signs that he's tired and have been able to put him into his napping mood. He's also learnt to sleep on the go, even in noisy surroundings. And we're getting v comfy with breastfeeding which is so convenient; no need to bring bottles of milk or guess when the boy wants to feed or guess when to warm the bottle up. These all helped me gain a lot of confidence in bringing him out. As far as possible, I still try to work around his routine but he's been really good too.
Ah, things are falling in place ;)
The other thing about me being able to concentrate on caring for my boy and heading out to do my own thing is the awesome family support I have been getting. I basically don't have to do much household chores! We don't have a maid so there's a part time helper who comes in once a week to mop the floor, iron the clothes, wash and scrub. Other days, my parents-in-law help with laundry and our meals. Well, they stay with us. It's not an arrangement I love (in fact, there are days I just resent it) cos I very much crave for my own space and privacy. But I got to say I am indeed really thankful for their help. They have never declined to help whenever we need. I can't imagine having to do full-time care giving and managing the household chores! And they have not seriously imposed their methods of raising a child on me before. I have heard of MILs who do not encourage breastfeeding, insist on certain practices etc. I am thankful that mine doesn't do that, although I am very sure there are things she doesn't agree with. Of course, she may give her piece here and there but she is never imposing. And did I mention before how utterly pampered I am? Both my mum and MIL have been making soups and bird's nest for me very often. Even after giving birth, I am still enjoying them regularly hee.
So this week, everytime I head out, I just can't help thinking how blessed I am. I have a lovely boy who is settling in nicely into a routine (I hope I am not jinxing it by writing this down) and the supportive family I have. I couldn't really ask for more, I think ;)
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