This week I finally got myself a Facebook account. Like finally. Friends have been chiding me to get it for the longest time.
Frankly, I thought it's more of a time wasting technology age thing than a social function. I always thought that real friends would somehow keep in touch, meet up for lunch, dinner or coffee whatever, instead of snooping around looking at photo to figure out what's happening in each other's lives. A bit of a old fashioned way of looking at friendship, I admit. Guess that's why I always go back to the same handful of friends whom I know I will be comfortable baring my life too. Well, maybe some friends will still find that they don't know enough about me. I won't deny that I also value my privacy a bit too much to let my life go public on FB. Plus, I m really not good at maintaining accounts. There's always a high possibility of neglect; so my mantra has been, if I don't need it, I don't get it.
So anyway, I went ahead, got myself on FB and spent a couple of hours snooping around. And I found a couple of decent photos of pregnant me, taken by the cousin at family functions! I was thrilled! Finally I found photos of my-pregnant-self that doesn't come with messy hair or wardrobe malfunction :)
I can't quite describe how happy I am to come across these precious photos. We had really wanted to do a photoshoot then but unfortunately had to call it off at the very last minute cos I was ordered to bedrest the same day it was scheduled. Other than being photos of pregnant me, it was photos of F and I together and he's smiling in them some more! I thanked and thanked the cousin for capturing these; we didn't take many proper photos together cos F is not really the photo-taking sort. It's probably nothing to other people but it's extremely extremely special to me. You know how grateful I am?!
That's one good start to me being on FB, methinks ;)
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