(no subject)

Feb 21, 2005 17:14

>[my name is]: Leigh/Lexxi

>[single or taken]: Single.

>[sex]: Female.

>[bday]: March 19th 1990.

>[sign]: Picese

>[hair color]: Black/brown.

>[eye color]: Greeny.

>[height]: 5'5.

>[in the morning I am]: Tired.

>[love is]: Something that too many people cry about.

>[I dream about]: Being famous.

>- W H O - >

>[is easiest to talk to]: Noone.

>[are your best friends?]: I don't consider my friends the best.

>[do you have a boyfriend/girlfriend?]: Nah.

>- W H O W A S T H E L A S T P E R S O N... - >

>[you talked to on the phone]: Jacqui.

>[you instant messaged]: Chris

>[you laughed with]: Friends at lunch.

>- D O Y O U / A R E Y O U - >

>[could you live without the computer?]: No.

>[what's your favorite food?]: Soup.

>[what's ur favorite fruit?]: Cherries.

>[what hurts the most?]: Brake.

>[trust others way too easily?]: Try not to.

>-N U M B E R- >

>[of times I have had my heart broken?]: 0.

>[of hearts I have broken]: A few.

>[of drugs taken illegally?]: A few.

>[of tight friends?]: I don't have "tight" friends.

>[of cd's that I own?]: A good amount.

>[of scars on my body?]: A few.

>[of things in my past that I regret?]: Try not to.

>- O T H E R T H I N G S - >

>[I want]: Someone.

>[I have]: Aggression.

>[I wish]: For a better world.

>[I hate]: Stupid people, people hurting animals.

>[I fear]: Death, hurt, failure.

>[I search]: For answers.

>[I love]:

>[I care]: Rarely.

>[I cry]: Never.

>[I can usually be found]: On the PC.

>[I need]: Time, money.

>[gang member]: No.

>[daydreamer]: Apparently.

>[freak]: Blah.

>[brat]: Yeah.

>[sarcastic]: On accasion.

>[goody-goody]: Sure.

>[talkative]: Sadly.

>- S E L F A N A L Y S I S - >

>[your best feature (personality)]: That I'm wicked cool.

>[the physical feature for which you are most often complimented]: My hair.

>[a city you'd like to visit]: Somewhere in America.

>[a drink you order most often]: Lift plus.

>[a delicious dessert]: Chocolate chip muffin from Muffin Brake.

>[a book you highly recommend]: Cut, Annie on my Mind, Feed.

>[a film you could watch over and over]: My girl 1 & 2.

>[your cologne or perfume]: Blah.

>[under your bed or in your closet, you hide]: Clothes, stupid things.

>[color]: Yellow, green, red, white.

>[subjects in school]: Textiles.

>[animals]: Cats.

>- H A V E Y O U E V E R... - >

>[bungee jumped?]: Nope.

>[made yourself throw up?]: Nope.

>[ever been in love?] Nah.

>[made yourself cry to get out of trouble?]: Nope.

>[pictured your crush naked?] Probably (:

>[cried when someone died?]: Yeah..

>[lied]: Yeah.

>[fallen for your best friend?]: Nah.

>[rejected someone]: Yeah.

>[used someone?]: Yeah.

>[done something you regret?]: Yeah.

>- L A S T P E R S O N - >

>[you touched]: No idea.

>[hugged]: Too long to know.

>[you IMed]: Chris.

>[you yelled at]: Some random person on the street, or a family memeber.

>- A R E Y O U - >

>[understanding]: Sometimes.

>[open-minded]: Apparently.

>[arrogant]: Yes.

>[insecure]: Yes.

>[interesting]: Sure.

>[random]: Sure.

>[hungry]: Sometimes.

>[smart]: Sometimes.

>[moody]: Yeah.

>[hard working]: I try.

>[organized]: I try.

>[healthy]: Yes.

>[difficult]: Yes.

>[attractive]: Sure.

>[messy] Yeah.

>[obsessed]: With some things.

>[angry]: Yes.

>[sad]: Sometimes.

>[happy]: Sometimes.
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