Friday Five -- May 19, 2006

May 19, 2006 13:45

This week's questions for thefridayfive were suggested by veracious_g.

1. What type of mood are you generally in on a rainy day?
Usually the rain puts me in a happier mood. Especially if it's a thunderstorm. If it's just kind of drizzly, I don't think much about it but I do feel happier. I love the rain and I love being in the rain.

2. What are your favorite things to do when the weather is gloomy?
One of a few things. If it's a thunderstorm, sometimes I want to run out and play in it. Sometime I want to curl up by the window and watching the storm. Other times, I'll take a nap because I sleep so much better in the rain. I'd have to say my favorite thing would be playing in it.

3. Have you ever been kissed in the rain?
It's my most favorite way to be kissed. You know that scene from the first Spiderman movie where he's upside down, in the rain and she's kissing him with his mask half off, such a hot scene. I really like making out in the rain, especially on a park bench or something.

4. After the rain stops, do you continue what you were doing, or do you run outside to do something else?
I usually just continue doing what I was doing. The rain doesn't really stop me from doing things. Unless I'm at Six Flags and they shut rides down. Then I'll run to my favorite ride (Raging Bull, front row) and hop in the short line.

5. What is your favorite drink/food to have when it's raining outside?
I don't really have one. I guess I could go with the typical hot chocolate/cider answer but that's not true. The weather doesn't really determine what I drink unless I'm out in it. If I out walking and get caught in the rain, I might be inclined to stop and buy a Chai Latte somewhere but only if I'm cold and thirsty. Otherwise, I just drink whatever is closest. Same goes for food.

friday five

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