you are my medecine

Dec 16, 2009 08:42

gah, having one of those, "what is the point of anything? why don't I just quit my job and fuck off out of this town?" kinds of days. this doesn't happen often these days.

haven't been writing like i want to.

haven't been reading like i want to.

haven't been practicing kung fu like i want to.

still supporting auna 100%

still getting nothing but grief back from that relationship.

been distracted lately. distracted by girls. girls who are awesome.

have vacation from work coming up. accompanied vacation from auna and (sadly) from Jude. which means lots of free time. i have a 2nd job i can go in and work whenever i feel like, so i imagine that will take up some of my time. but i hope to get something creative done as well. to create something, you know?
i don't watch tv. this is not out of some moral or spiritual value that i hold. i don't have a problem with tv. if you like tv, good for you. i don't. i actually dislike tv shows. the format doesn't jive with me. i like movies because you can watch a movie and when it's over it's over. tv shows go on forever. their purpose isn't to entertain you so much as to hold your interest. i don't know why that frustrates me, but it does.
i also rarely read fiction. i like fiction, but the amount of time it takes to finish a novel is not a commodity i have access to. i rarely have access to free time in chunks larger than 10 minutes. this is sad, but i'm sure it's just a phase of life that will pass. i have my two jobs and my baby son, but soon auna will be supporting herself more and as Jude gets older he'll want more and more of his own time and less and less of mine. which is bittersweet. i love that he'll grow into a man someday and have is own thoughts and feelings and adventures, but i don't think anyone with a kid doesn't miss being able to hold a weightless little creature in their arms.

good lord, this is random. have an update, lj. this is what you want.
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