words from the infamous darksphere

Jul 07, 2009 13:16

1) Fear - the thing you want NOT TO HAVE. I used to think i was impervious to fear. i used to actually be impervious to fear, but you have to trade that in when you want to actually care about something. Fear is good because it does indicate the things you care about, but it is bad when you let it motivate your behaviors. Because then you will be irrational (oh! segue!)

2) Righteousness - The Doing of What is Right; not simply the not doing of what is wrong. My own personal sense of righteousness can be summarized as: Do not cause physical or emotional suffering to anything with a central nervous system. If you find yourself in a position where suffering must be inflicted then work toward the outcome with the least amount of such. Then I have to go on to define suffering as the non-consensual experience or perception of pain.
So, like doing a hundred push-ups hurts but it isn't suffering by my definition because you're doing it on purpose.

3) Rational - knowing the real reasons for your actions. Humans rarely actually act rationally, and knowing that is the first step to actually being rational. Being rational is the first step to moving from the tiny human microverse to the grander Universe.

4) Order - There are a nearly infinite number of orders for Things to be in. No one order is inherently better than another. But if you can affect the order and predict the outcome then you have a Power. Getting the outcome you want from the order is magic. Or technology. OR BOTH!

5) Collapse - Sometimes you can't predict the outcome of a new order but you know that whatever is happening now is Not What I Want. So you collapse the order. Shuffle the deck. Draw a new hand. Anything beats a pair of twos, right?
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