Jan 15, 2006 22:29
That's what I've been doing today. Got up at half seven, walked to the train station, caught the 8.45 train to Olympia, London and managed to get in for free as I was covering the event for Spark! :) Saved myself £10! Stupidly though, I forgot my YPR, and had to pay full fare. What an idiot.
It was a good show though - I got to meet the founder of gapyear.com, Tom Griffiths, which was cool, and Katie and I were given loads of free stuff and brochures of stuff to do during the summer. My second mistake of the day was to dress up though, as it turned out there was an ice wall to climb, but not if you were wearing a skirt. The ONE DAY I don't wear jeans...
I'm very tired tonight though. Rang Mum (who's just got back from a week in Spain) and found out BMM has got food poisoning from a Spanish MacDonalds - he's been throwing up for two days straight, poor kid. They're going to take him to the doctors tomorrow if he isn't better.
Bits and Bobs
Dad, Mandy, Zoe and Neil are all coming down to visit me on 4th Feb, which was a bit of surprise news, but not unwelcome.
The first issue of Spark with me as Travel Editor has been printed, making me feel very proud. :)
I'm dying to go abroad again after today's escapade, and have determined to try to find some journalistic work experience this year, preferably with a travel magazine.
I was turned down for the Student Associate Scheme where you teach kids for a fortnight in June, because there were too many applying to the primary sector, but I don't want to teach secondary school level.
I had decided to ditch French this term and take up Greek Myths, but now I've changed my mind. It's proving much more difficult than it should be to sort it all out.
I can't spend a term studying abroad next year because I'm a joint honours student, which I think is seriously unfair.
A direct result of this is that I am looking for a house to share with Katie, Amy and Andrea next year.
Amy has offically got together with Dan. This make me feel a little mushy.
I was given £300 in tax refund from Macro. This makes me happy.
Thomas Cook still haven't got back to me. I got confirmation of my application on Wednesday, and the days are slowly dragging by. This make me sad. I'm a whirlwind of emotion!
Macro want to renew my temporary contract til the end of February. Why they can't just offer me a permenant contract is beyond me.
I think that is everything. Ooh, one more. I've sold two Discworld teeshirts on eBay. I need £700 more to reach my MIND fundraising target, so I may run some more off. Hmmm.