Okay, so I'm trying to figure out if the girls are getting their top teeth or their molars. I think it might be one getting one and one getting the other. Either way, I can definately feel a difference in their mouths, especially when they are nursing. Their gums feel hard. It used to be that Charlotte would nip at me when she was no longer nursing in earnest and I think she thought it was funny. I used to pull her straight off and tell her "No, owie to mummy" and frown until she eventually got the picture. Her new thing now is pinching. You don't notice it until she's done it because the clever clog buries her hands under the boob and then pinches. It disorientates me, I think, OW where was that pain from?
However it's Rebecca that was the biter today. She did it a few times and I suspect it's because she was done. She didn't seem aggrieved that I took her off, so much for punishment. This morning though she decided it would be funny to give mummy a hickie. This isn't even the first time she's done it. I have a baby hickie...look!
No, that's not my nipple, it's my baby hickie!
You have to laugh really. It's worth it all when I peek in and see my twin angels sleeping soundly.
Yes, this is a public entry. Hello stalkers!