Rain, soup, and showers.

Oct 24, 2008 09:20

I was talking to my friend softie2thecore about blogging. I told her that she should start it up, that she was an interesting character. She seemed to not think that way. I don't know keep your eyes open. She may start blogging to.

So yesterday after being ill most of the week and hiding it well. Yes it had mostly to do with stress. I finally gave into it and went home. The vending proposal was done and ready for the VP to see it. Carolyn's birthday cards for her family were done and ready to go out in the mail. The supply order was placed so the angry little worker bees would have their precious creamer and be happy again. Everything important was done, and I felt nothing pressing holding me at work. I mean it's not like even though I did all the work, I would not get any credit for the proposal. I knew it when I was informed the floor supervisor was going around taking credit for my hard work on finding vending solutions for the office, since our current one hightailed it because we didn't have enough people. I was so worried about what to do. Knowing that the worker bees would be irrate over losing their pop and snacks. So I called, e-mailed, and researched. But know the Walrus as he will be known from now on was taking all the credit. Thus pissing me, my husband, and our working friend off. He claimed he came up with a solution and found a machine that worked for us. I had already looked into that. I then asked for his info and none came. So I found it myself, and only when the day to write up the proposal came, that I see him and his info. I informed him that I already had it and completed the task. I'm sure after I left the Walrus flopped over to the visiting VP and asked how she liked his proposal. It's maddening, but I know there is nothing I can do about it. That's my job. Do all the work. Get griped at when something isn't right, and never get any thanks, other than from friends and my Brett. But because of this the Walrus annoys me every day just by opening his mouth, because we all know that the Walrus doesn't know what he is talking about, but loves the sound of his own voice.

Continuing what I was originally saying. I went home sick. Brett was so kind as to take me home. I determined that what I needed was a good meal to make me feel better. So I made myself an omelet and potato cakes. Which Rory wanted to share with me. She got a nibble. After eating and chilling. I talked to my mom. She was taking my cousin to my old high school so she could shadow a student. They are planning on sending her there next year. I ask , since she would be there, would she stop by the office and see if they still have my yearbook I never picked up. After graduation I had never returned. I was for the most part joking, thinking they would never have it. It was 6 years ago. Well, they had it and my mom has it waiting for me at her house. I'm shocked and amazed. Turns out my last principal is still there. I asked if he was still bringing in Japanese exchange students. He was a principal of a Lutheran High School in Japan so when he came he brought exchange students and a Karate teacher that didn't speak very good english. I always thought that was funny. Of course they started a Japanese language class the year after I graduated and that ticked me off. But any who after I got off the phone with my mom and watched some TV I realized the time and feeling a little better decided to make some hardy chicken noodle soup. I started the chicken and went to put things away and Rory decided to attack my hand covered in chicken good. She loves to make it known that she prefers human food over cat kibble. When she gets a bit older and we are at the new place I will try making her food. I'm sure that will make her happy. Well the soup turned out great. Brett got 2 bowls. Then he decided to go out and get me a chocolate milk. I was a happy reward for doing a good job.

It's been so cold and yucky out as of late. Not really all that nice. Well I couldn't stand it any longer and decided it was time for an uber hot shower, or at least as hot as our pitiful water heater could provide. Scalding isn't a problem there. Well the shower was wonderful, the hot water turned all the way up and Brett coming in and helping me with my stretching exercises, which proved to me that I need to start stretching more, because I'm not as limber as I should be. I should start stretching with Brett every night instead of just watching him while drooling. But after the shower, and being weighed down by a full belly of chicken soup and chocolate milk, I started to feel sleepy. Given the fact that I've barely slept most of the week, I was not surprised. So I shuffled of to bed. Meditated a little to get everything to relax, then went to sleep only waking up when Brett came to bed and when I realized I needed to use the restroom. Which is much better than the previous nights this week. I slept so light that I woke up when Brett rolled over. But from what Brett told me of him being up and down all night, I guess that's the hardest I've slept since my car getting broken into. Maybe I got just what I needed. So a big thank you goes out to my Brett Brett for finding out what I needed to finally relax enough to sleep well.

We woke up to rain this morning. It's still dark and rainy. Though I have  a good memory of a rainy night, I'm not fond of rainy days. They make me want to sleep. I found out what would inspire me to write again. I forgot that music often did that to me. The story I wanted to write need 2 different CDs. Both of which are still packed away at my parent's house. Grr. The one CD I have is for a different story, one that I really didn't want to start back up right now. *sigh* What to do, other than to buy those CDs or wait till after the move. Brett's back to wanting to write again. He is working on a project that is top secret, so I can't say what it's about but. I know it will be good and when completed, will hopefully give him the drive to keep creating new works. I would like to be an author. To have millions read my books and get drawn into the stories. I just can't seem to complete any of them. After a while I lack the drive. That's why I remembered the music. The music inspires chapters and scenes. Maybe if I keep playing that when I'm thinking about the story and writing it, I can keep the drive. But that doesn't guaranty I will be published. I have learned different ways people can get published. Laurell K. Hamilton put a link up on her website to a site that tells you what to do. Kudos to her for helping out the little man.

Well that's it for now I will leave you with the general recipe for my Chicken Noodle Soup.

My Yummy, Hardy, Not Just Chicken and Noodle soup.

You need:

Chicken breast preferably already removed from the chicken

Chicken broth

Chicken bullion cubes 2 or 3

Veggies of your choosing.

Noodles of  your choosing

Something to cook them in

And a cat to walk around the kitchen while you are cooking and to attack your hand when there is chicken goo on it.

Adjust to fit your pot or needs.

Cut up the amount of chicken you want in your soup and put it in the pot you want to use. By this time the cat should be attacking your hand for it will be covered in chicken goo.

Then get yourself some chicken broth, homemade or store bought, and pour enough in the pot to just cover the chicken. After you have removed the cat from your hand along with the chicken goo.

Drop a chicken bullion cube in and add spices to your taste. I used oinion powder, garlic powder, pepper,Mrs. Dash and Oregano. Please do not taste it at this point, to taste is just an expression meaning to the point you want it.

Put a lid on the pot and turn the stove to medium heat, because most pots warranty voids if you set it to a heat any higher than that.

Stir occasionally

Cut up the veggies you want to add. I added potatoes, carrots, mushrooms, and corn. You can use just about any veggie you want and it will work.

Add the veggies when the chicken is mostly cooked. If  everything isn't covered by broth at this point, add water and another bullion cube. If you can't tell yet, I love adding bullion cubes.

Cover and keep at that warranty safe medium and stir occasionally.

When your hardest to cook veggie, ie carrots can be easily cut by the stirring aparatus of your choice, then it is time to add the egg noodles or noodles that work for you in this setup. Add as much as you want. Again if your broth doesn't cover, then you may add more water. Another bullion cube is optional at this point, but you know I will be tossing that puppy in.  If  your pot is overflowing you added too much of something.

Cover and again keep to that warrenty safe temp and don't forget to stir occasionally.

When the noodles are cooked or the smoke alarm goes off because it overflowed again, it's ready.

Dish out with a utensil of your choice. I'm poor so I used a coffee cup. Wait for it to cool a bit and enjoy.

I am not responsible for overflowing pots or burnt mouths.

Martha Stewart ain't got nothin' on me. ;)

Laters! Savvy?


walrus, laurell k. hamilton, writing, not just chicken noodle soup, rain, shower

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