Forced Upon; Chapter One

Jul 28, 2004 16:45

I'm gonna start putting my fan fics on here, cuz i cant put them on cuz its not the right something, i dunno... anyhoo... i'll put the name of the story and what chpt it is in the subj box so ppl will know if im writing, or making an entry, savvy? ok here i go:


I leaned against the rail of the balcony, looking out toward the sea as the wind from the sea blew my hair out of its place. I longed to go out to the sea, to ride in a boat no, a ship, with waves crashing against the sides of the boat and the winds filling the sails and pushing the ship over the vast world of all types of animals unknown to me, as they live in their blue dreamland. I sighed, reality smacking across the face. I could never go out to the sea, at least not again, the crossing from England to Port Royale was enough for me, as everyone tells me. There is no need for a young lady, a high thought one at that, to sail over the waves in any sort of contraption, my feet were to stay firmly on dry land, never again to glide over the wooden floor of a ship. No matter how much my heart desires.
I hear someone call my name, and I instantly recognize the voice. I sigh, and slowly turn to face the speaker.
“Jane, what are you doing?” Elizabeth, asks as I hop down from the balcony.
“Nothing.” I say simply, trying to avoid her gaze.
“Really.” Elizabeth says. “Well, by doing ‘nothing’ you have managed to undo your hair- again. So, you will have to sit still, again, while your hair is properly done, again.”
“Alright I get it.” I sigh “Its not my fault that my hair doesn’t stay in place, it never does.”
“Yes, I know, come on.” she says with a hint of laugher in her tone. I smile slightly and follow her reluctantly.
“Elizabeth, tell me again what this ‘conference’ is about, would you?”
“It concerns your future, that is all you need to know now.” she answers smoothly. I sigh exasperated, hoping she’ll catch the hint. She glances at me out of the corner of her eye, smiling down the few inches to me, knowing full well how much I hated secrets kept from me, especially when I knew there was a secret. I sighed again, and allowed myself to be lead by Elizabeth to redo my hair.

After my hair was redone, I came back to my room, and instantly went to the balcony to stand on it again, I didn’t care if I had to do my hair again. I stared out to the sea, daydreaming once again of being on a ship, as I stared at the vast blue landscape with nothing upon it except for the ships at the dock. I sighed once again, and turned back to my room. I’d need a miracle to go on a ship again, I said to myself, a miracle.
I turned back to the sea and suddenly realized the sea wasn’t so empty, there was a ship on it, and it wasn’t at the docks, it was just visible behind the cliff that blocked my view out of the harbor. From what I could see of it, the ship was large, and black, with black sails. It reminded me of a story I heard, probably from Elizabeth or Will, though I couldn’t decide which one though, they told me so many to help me pass the time, I couldn’t remember most of them. Most were about pirates, they told one with such detail it was almost like they took part in it. But not Will and Elizabeth, not them, they would never do such a thing. Never.
I was forced to pull away from my thoughts again as I heard Elizabeth’s voice once again. I rolled my eyes and looked back to the ship, and realized it wasn’t there. Shocked, I ran my eyes over the blue landscape for any sign of a ship not at the dock. Nothing. I heard my name called again and I reluctantly went to the stairs to see her and Will hand in hand at the bottom of the stairs.
“Hello Jane.” Will said to me with a smile.
“Hello Will.” I replied quietly, giving a small smile. I looked at the two of them together, and realized what a pretty couple they made, their love formed from friendship. I felt truly happy for them.
Before I knew what happened, I found myself down the stairs, and in a room with Elizabeth, Will, and my uncle, Governor Swann. I looked around at all of them, and studied their faces carefully, but it didn’t take me too long to realize that I didn’t want to find out what this conversation was going to be about.

“No! No I won’t! I won’t marry this young!” I was on my feet, and crazy with fury, and I could feel color rising frantically to my cheeks. “I’m only going to be fifteen! I’m too young to marry! Look at Elizabeth” I motioned towards her, “she’s not married yet, and she’s at least five years older than I!” I fell back into my chair, and I crossed my arms, I felt my eyes burn with tears, and tired with all my might to hold them back I didn’t care if I wasn’t acting my age, it wasn’t fair! They wanted me to marry! To top it off, the man was at least fifteen years my senior, and I had never even met him!
“Please, dear, let us explain-” my uncle began.
“No! I won’t! You don’t have to explain! I know!” I looked away my anger growing inside of me. “Ever since I came here I was a burden to you. I was forced upon you! You didn’t have to take me in!” I saw I would lose it soon, so I glared at each of them in turn, excused myself and ran up to my room and slammed the door behind me. I ran to the balcony and looked out, to what, I didn’t know, I just stared out to the ocean. I soon felt the tears that I held up inside of me start to pour out and run down my face, each of them felt like liquid fire running down my cheeks.
“I won’t marry.” I said aloud to the sea. “I won’t.”

I don’t know how long I stood there, staring out to sea and telling myself I wasn’t going to marry. I hardly remembered the conversation over the matter. I just knew that I kept quiet until my uncle was finished, then I started. I didn’t regret what I did, I still felt the same way.
I looked out to sea again, and realized that there was something in the water, it was too small to be a boat, it looked almost like a rowboat from what I could tell. I watched the small item make slow progress until it went out of my view. I sighed and walked to my bed, and recalled on how and why I came to Port Royale anyway...
I knew the reason why I came, my mother died, and her brother, Port Royale’s Governor, was the only relative I knew about. I didn’t have a father, my mother said he was a pirate, but I never knew for sure. She died when I was thirteen, right before my fourteenth birthday, and after she died I was sent on the first available ship to Port Royale. My mother and I weren’t exactly rich, so my only possessions that I brought along were a few dresses, my boy’s breeches that I used to wear when I was working, and a cutlass along with a necklace that supposedly belonged to my father. The dresses were replaced as soon as I arrived in Port Royale, the breeches taken away, the necklace constantly remained around my neck, no one seemed to notice, but the cutlass remained a secret.
The trip was wonderful, it was the best time in my life, I loved everything about being on a ship in the middle of the sea. I was even able to spend my fourteenth birthday on the sea, even though none of the crew acknowledged it, save for a few sailors who I had become friends with.
It never occurred to me until now that I was forced upon them, but after thinking about it, I realized it was for sure. This was my only family, and so they basically didn’t have a choice, and my coming was pretty short-noticed, so they didn’t have a lot of time to think it over. And now, now they were getting rid of me, giving me to a man that I didn’t know or love. Thinking this over made me even more mad. I undressed myself, not caring if I ruined my dress, and went to sleep my head pounding with anger.

ok thats one chpt... some1 plz tell me what they think... plz?
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