Jul 24, 2004 17:24
Well then, my wrist doesn't hurt anymore, but my teeth do. A lot. I got a wire put in on Thursday, and now they hurt. They're better than they were yesterday though, it hurt if I talked. Which I did anyways.
I feel a bit hole-ish. It's been a bit tiring these past few days. And sometimes it's just too easy to fall back into the hole. Like I said, the hole is ugly and bad. But it's mine and you can't have it.
I got a new book today, and a flower. Its stem is the length from my knee to my foot. It's a rose. I like roses. They're pretty. Prettier than me. Prettier because they're simple, they don't have to do anything. Everyone loves them anyways.
A special invitation to any Masons out there. I'm very good at keeping secrets.
Why bomb people in the name of your God? It's their God too, just with a different name.