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Jun 24, 2005 09:18

hey. havent updated in oh so long. bored. a little upset as well. I had a whole horrible conversation with Johanna yesterday and im still not exactly sure of how to take it. im just ready to get back home where im not constantly worried about how to act in order to keep my "friends" im really going to miss my host family and my city and germany in general sooooo much,but as for school.... no way. this is my last real school day though. we are doing a project next week for choir, adn so we have practice the whoel week up until the production,adn then on friday i have three hours of class, but thats nothing, adn that is also the official last day of my school here at all. they seem so upset with me in the school becuase of how we are going to work out my report card and everything, but oh well. im generally in a bad mood from all of this and its making everything else so hard. im glad the weekend is here...well, sorta. today after school i am going to the youth office with johanna because i have to pick up my check for the camp. hopefully im going i shoudl say. they said we have to call first to make sure they are there. i really need the money to pay for my party next week though, so hopefully is the key word here. then tomorrow we have to sing at the graduation church service, it should be nice, we have good songs picked out, but im not singing my part. normally i sing soprano, but im singing alto tomorrow. might be interesting, ill probably sing too high, haha. then afterwards kathy and johanna are coming over and we are going to do a "film night" i have to go rent a movie today, cant forget that! we are going to watch love actually because i love that movie. we are gonna swim too, i hope it turns out ok when they come over. then sunday i am going motorcycle riding (just riding, not driving unfortunately) with my host grandpa, im not sure how long, but i think the whole day. im iffy about that. i couldnt say no when he asked me to go with, but hes kinda scary to ride with, hopefully everything goes ok! im sure it will. then the next week starts up and hopefully goes by quickly. i get to at least sleep in a bit more next week though. we get excused from the first three hours of class because we have night choir practice. it should be fairly good. I think i will be spending the night at johannas most of the week. then the week after that is my last week in germany at all. thats so weird to think about, 14 days and i leave for america again. cant believe the year is pretty much over. im excited for a lot of things, i really am. days like today i just cant wait the 14 days, but then theres also days when i dont ever want to go home. i just get along with my host family so well. i have to write a speech before next friday for my going away party :( i have to announce it before all the people there, adn theres liek 50 people too! its gonna be so expensive and hte speech is gonna be so embarassing, im nto looking forward to that at all. alright, enough rambling, the weather is nice, im gonna go sit outside. Later.
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