Sep 02, 2009 17:02
picture it: end of July, 2009. a call comes in for a woman who was bit by a raccoon and needs a report made. i take the call and respond out there. i find out that these raccoons are hanging out at the house under the tarp because the neighbor is feeding cats. after several calls for service to complain about this neighbor feeding these cats, and therefore are attracting raccoons, the neighbor is told that they need to stop save for 30 minutes twice a day for the cats only. the victim and her son contest this and not only do they not want the neighbor feeding anything outside ever again, they want this neighbor to know, flat out, that yes indeed this lady was bit by a raccoon and it is their fault as a result. to make this story shorter than longer, the end result: mediation between victim, victim's son, and neighbor to contest two things- 1) that yes the victim really was bit by a raccoon and 2) whether or not to feed anything outside from here on out. the mediation is hoped to take place next week.
meanwhile, i feel as though i am finally ready to pick myself up and go out there and start to look/date/what have you. i still have feelings for him, and i always will. i will be saddened when he goes to the beach with out me, and i will always remember everything that is wonderful. we will still hang out as friends and go places that i know many of my friends won't. like, carowinds and in october, scarowinds. oh sure, i can get my parents to go but none of my other friends really like to go save maybe two. but that's a stretch.
also, i don't feel down anymore. except right now i am in a slight depression as i seem to be missing the beach trip. however, things are picking up and they are for mom too. i have a feeling that by the end of the year, i will be in a good place in my head and heart.
the only thing i am still struggling with is this agiltiy chairman. i've decided NOT to chair anymore after august's show. i will not quit the club unless the members start changing their view or opinion of me because i will not longer be chair. if that happens...i mean really happens, i will quit. but i hope to do it in a nice manner so i can continue to do their agility shows. the other thing i'm struggling with is the constant reminder that i now have to do the RDO thing with the store/vet in waxhaw. ...I guess I'll have to get on the ball with that one.
other than that...and the weekdays being unnaturally busy with calls now that school is back in session...nothing else new to report.