Job hunt

Feb 26, 2007 17:00

I spent today scouring job sites... which I wouldn't have to if that darned manager from the recorder would just return my calls!!!
I know I can do the job, it's EXACTLY what i used to do and i'm even willing to take a $5+ and hour pay cut to just have something to do.

I also applied at a few other places and spent a long part of the afternoon talking to a woman from admissions at an online art school. It's EXPENSIVE though. One unit costs the same as one entire class at fresno state. But with the baby on the way I really want to be able to go to school from home. Maybe with financial aid and my grandmother's help I can do it. She's wanted to help with school before. So maybe...

Only problem is, I'm not really keen on the idea of going up to her house to smooze and talk about it since she smokes like a chimney and even though she knows i'm pregnant, she'll light up in front of me.

And... on top of that, financial aide with last year's taxes isn't going to look good. I was making good money.. but now i'm not... so I don't know. it feels like i need to be unemployed or work a crappy job for a year to qualify for anything good.

And.. there's the other part of me that wants to go for my RN. But again, I know I'll have to commute or attend classes on site which will be difficult.

I hope I can find a good design firm that will let me work from home. I also need to dig up my pen for my tablet and finish  my one last very very late commission...

after that Id like to work on some children's book ideas I've had floating in my head for a while. I've seen lots of kids books... and KKNOW i can make something better than a lot of them. ^_^

My CNA test is this week, and I can't find my Social Security Card... I don't even want to look. My instructor told us we'd only need our id from class, so i'm really irritated that the paperwork I just got says we need our original SS card and now I ahve no time to order one and have no idea where mine is... many things were lost in the move.

Tomorrow I HAVE to get up and look. I just totally lack motivation these days with my chronic, all day morning sickness.

I actually lost over 5 lbs since my 5th week of pregnancy. I think I might be almost back to my prepregnancy weight now... not that it was a big deal since I was overweight to start off with... I just didn't think that weight loss would be part of pregnancy. Oh, and constant sickness and killer headaches... one day after going to 3 different places to find something to eat that didn't make me want to vomit, I had the worst ever smack me upside the head dizzyness.

A lot of that has mellowed out now, but still... my eating habits could be better.

anyway... just rambling now.

I forgot how much I like journaling! XD  

school, pregnancy, work, job

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