So I died my hair black. it looks really cute I like it.
But because I dyed my hair I look nothing like Linsey's ID anymore. So when I went to use it at Firestone the guy was like "You can go in as under 21 or talk to a cop about getting the ID back" So Yeah good thing I was already drunk lol.
Today I went to Universal with Ale and and her boyfriend. It was fun using are ID for work to get in and get discounts. At 9am I have my second day of orientation. Should be fun.
O and I just ordered the dress I am going to wear for my birthday online;jsessionid=5AC6374BE38465E9BB39ED5E95443B27.app13-node1?itemdescription=true&itemCount=10&startValue=21&selectedProductColor=&sortby=price&id=14490635&parentid=W_APP_DRESSES&sortProperties=price&navCount=39&navAction=poppushpush&color= I dunno if that will send you to it or not. But I'm excited everyone should come out and buy me a drink.