Jongyu; Onew sucks at jealousy

Jul 05, 2011 03:16

Sorry for typos if there are any, I just listened to Quasimodo maybe 100 times and decided to write this.

Title: Onew sucks at jealousy
Pairing: (Jongyu)(slight Jongkey)
Rating: PG-13
Length: One shot
Genre: Angsty Fluff? Is that possible?
Summary: Onew doesn't exactly ship Jongkey...

Jinki sighed. He was sitting in their dorm’s living room and he felt like shit. That soon turned into deep, intense breaths. He glanced to the right every few seconds, knowing all too well just what he would see. For almost an hour, Key and Jonghyun had been in the kitchen flirting and laughing and being stupid and happy and pissing Jinki off. He had no idea why this was happening either…he just knew he wanted to be in Key’s position more than anything at that moment.

Yes, he was jealous. Who wouldn’t be when the guy they were pretty sure they loved was with some other (arguably more attractive) guy, giving him the attention that Jinki longed for. He knew Jjong liked Key more…he wasn’t sure of everything they’d done together, but he knew there was something there. Something he and Jjong would probably never have.

He inhaled deeply and winced a bit at the sound of Key’s shrill laugh. Betraying his own conscience, Jinki looked over at them yet again. Jjong had wrapped his arms around Key’s waste and nestled his face in the nape of Key’s neck. Key was supposed to be cooking but Jonghyun just had to be the one to distract him with his touch and his charm. Jinki wanted more than ever to get up and tell him off.

Who the hell was he to lead him on like that? To give him all of those feelings in the beginning, to laugh with him, flirt with him, be there for him when being the leader felt like too much, only to turn and give all of that attention to Key.

Jinki ran his fingers through his hair nervously, trying to calm down. He was rarely this hung up about anything really, but this was his heart, and judging by Key’s constant giggles and squeals, Jjong was still walking all over it.

“Oh stop it, I’m trying to cook,” Key said while giggling in his high ass voice. Normally, Jinki didn’t think much of it, but now it only infuriated him more. Not wanting to disturb their banter, Jinki got up and walked out of the apartment in silence, trying to draw the least amount of attention as possible. He wanted to be alone, because he was pretty sure he was going to cry, and he was not doing that in front of them.

He found an area on the stairs down the hall from their dorm and sat with his back rested against the wall. He could feel tears swelling his eyes, reminding him of how emotional Jonghyun made him.

He hated it. He hated that he cared this much and he hated that Jonghyun didn’t. He let his head sit in his hands and sobbed as low as he could, tears drenching his fingers and reminding him of everything he was feeling all over again.

When he felt someone’s finger tips tapping against his shoulder, he looked up slowly, sniffling as he wiped his eyes. He gasped lightly when he recognized the person’s slightly messy dark hair and black wifebeater. He looked amazing in it, but Jinki forced himself to ignore that as he turned away from him. Of course Jonghyun would try to help now.

“You should go back…” Jinki uttered nervously, pretending to pay attention to a step behind him. He heard Jonghyun inhale sharply before turning the older man's face to his own and Jinki had to admit, the feel of Jjong’s hands on his own skin was nice, even if it was brief. He liked the way Jonghyun took control in that moment. Still, he was only making himself feel worse, all those things he loved were only for Key at this point…

“Jinki, did you even hear me?”

No. No he didn’t. He was too busy trying to pretend this wouldn't happen because a confession was the last thing he was prepared to give. Jinki let his eyes flutter close.

“Yea, I just…spaced out is all,” he said, lazily hoping that the younger man wouldn’t notice his puffy eyes and flushed lips. Jonghyun pouted slightly and sat next to him,

“Ok…well I saw you leave, was something wrong?” he asked, attempting to look him in the eyes but Jinki looked away. He didn’t like Jonghyun being so close to him when he was this pissed, so he focused on something, anything, instead. He knew if he looked into those beautiful orbs, he would melt and spill everything he’d worked so hard to hold in. Worse than that, Jonghyun would then know how Jinki felt, and be forced to give the rejection that must have been lingering on his tongue at this very moment. He could feel himself breaking as he remembered how happy Jonghyun looked next to Key.

“I’ve been better, but it’ll be fine,” Jinki said with a weak smile. As mad at Jjong as he was, he couldn’t let Jonghyun feel bad for his own hurt. It wasn’t Jonghyun’s fault that Jinki grew a little too attached, that he let his heart care a little too much for the younger man. Still, just thinking this showed Jinki how much he really cared for Jonghyun and he gave up; he loved him too much at this point.

Jonghyun put his arm around Jinki’s shoulders and he couldn’t help but tense up at the familiar feeling. It reminded Jinki of how he and Jjong used to be, when they would talk about anything for hours and Jinki would always leave feeling better for one reason or another.

“Did someone do something to you? I swear if --

“I said it’s fine,” Jinki murmured, looking downward and feeling worse for lying.

“ didn’t look fine to me. Look, if you tell me what’s wrong, I can make at least make it better…or try. Just talk to me,” Jonghyun said in low tone, lightly grasping Jinki’s shoulder. The older man took a deep breath. Why did Jonghyun need to be so close? It gave Jinki urges that he knew he shouldn’t have been having. Jinki turned to face him for the first time.

“Can’t you just leave it alone? It’s none of your business anyways…” Jinki said bluntly and Jonghyun felt a pang of hurt course through him. Did Jinki need to be so harsh about it? Jonghyun made a face and removed his arm from Jinki, sitting a little farther from him. He fidgeted with his fingers and inhaled.

Jinki just rolled his eyes and got up, deciding he'd rather he go further upstairs than deal with this right now. He was close to spilling everything and he just couldn’t do that yet.

When Jinki was a few steps above him, Jonghyun scoffed.
“I called it,” he said, some detachment in his tone still lingering. Jinki stopped and looked down at him with his eyebrows furrowed.
“Called what?”
“What’s wrong. With you, that is,” the dark haired man said in the same tone as before. When Jinki remained silent, Jonghyun stood up and looked at him, catching his eyes before Jinki could look away. He was stuck in his gaze as Jonghyun spoke,

“You know…Key and I really tried to figure it out. When you left, he just stared at the door, thinking of what could've been wrong, but of course I I followed you, hoping to talk to you, comfort you, be by your side, something, just because I knew how you felt," he paused,"and I knew it was because of me."

Jinki's breathing hastened and his hands made their way in and out of his pockets constantly. He tried to convince himself that Jonghyun really didn’t know. That maybe he was bluffing or something because he wasn't ready for him to know and honestly, he didn't think he ever would be.

“Just stop it, ok,” Jinki said as he turned to walk further up the stares again, but was forced to stop when he felt Jonghyun’s hands grabbing his. He pulled away weakly, but he knew Jjong’s grip would hold strong.

“I said stop?” Jinki pleaded weakly, knowing that he'd finally broken.

Jonghyun pursed his lips and kept his glare steady.

“I would if I didn’t like you just as much as you like me,” Jonghyun said quickly. Jinki squinted his eyes at the younger man and watched as Jonghyun’s gaze made it’s way to the floor.
“What did you say?” he asked breathlessly. Jonghyun let go of his hand and put his own in his pockets. With a deep breath, he continued,

“I said that I like you. And I know that you like me, which is why you were mad...there’s nothing between Key and I…I mean, he wants there to be something, sure, but that’s it. For me, it's always been someone else,” he said nervously.

Jonghyun walked further down the stares hoping that Jinki would follow him; he didn’t like the feeling of Jinki being even more tall than he already was over him, and it made all of this even more awkward to say. When they were around the same height again, Jonghyun smiled weakly, attempting to lessen the tension,


“Well, what do we do now...?” Jinki asked, voice almost cracking from the mixture of excitement and bewilderment wrapped in one.

"...I'm willing to try if you are?"

Jonghyun felt like a teenage boy on his first date, unsure of what to say or do, but firm in his choice to be there.
Jinki closed the space between their lips and made a mental note that Jonghyun was just as great a kisser as he'd imagined. The younger man grew more fervently into the kiss when breathing became an issue and they both pulled back.

Jinki felt himself panting lightly, lips longing for contact with Jonghyun's again.

"I'd think I'd like that."

pairing: jongyu, group: shinee, rating: pg-13, !fanfic, angst

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