
Sep 11, 2005 18:03

You are all probably sick of hearing something about this date, but I just have this sudden urge of saying something about this, because it is important to me. If you don't want to know, feel free to skip this. ;)

Many of you probably still remember that day vividly, because it definitely was a tragedy not only for the US, but for the whole world. Nothing is safe anymore and we have seen that a lot over the past few years.

Now, do you believe in forebodings? I hardly did until that fateful day in 2001. It was exactly 8:43 a.m. on 11 September. I actually should have been in school, but I was on leave for a week, because my parents wanted to go on vacation in Southern Germany. So, it was a normal day for me at first. I woke up and felt...different. I had a dream. I know, it's nothing unusual, but this dream was different. It was scary. About half an hour later, I went to my mom and told her about that dream, because I thought that I had to share this with someone. She told me that it was probably just a dream, even though it was weird.

So, what was that dream about? I still remember it as if it was just last night. Yes, it made a big impression on me and maybe it even changed me and my attitude towards certain things. Anyways, my dream: I was at the airport in Berlin with a friend, but I don't know who exactly it was. I do know though that we were talking about the trip to "the US". No city was mentioned, just that we would travel to the US. Maybe I should mention that I was really planning to travel to L.A. in October 2001 at that time, and two of my friends were supposed to come with me, though in the end only one friend came with me, but we did go to L.A. Anyways, we were talking about going to the US.

Suddenly we were on board of the plane and on our way to...a city in the US. ;) Then we landed elsewhere, which was confusing at first, because the flight was way too short, but all of us left the plane anyways. Turned out we were at the airport of Thessaloniki (I don't know why I dreamt that it was that airport.). I was really freaked out then and tried to find someone who could tell me what was going on, because I wasn't prepared to land elsewhere. But no one wanted to answer me. I went from person to person and everyone just had this blank face and I started to become really desperate. Then I just stood in the large main hall of the airport and noticed that everyone was looking up at some kind of huge screens, but I couldn't look at them. Somehow it was impossible for me to raise my head enough to see what was shown on the screens. The only thing I did notice though was that people were crying. Remember the news and pics from 9-11? The ones with people looking at the WTC and crying? That's what it was. Everyone at the airport looked like that. So, I went to the person closest to me and asked why we had to land in Greece and not the US. The only reply I got was: "We weren't allowed to land there. No one is now." I kept asking this person why we weren't allowed to, but it was useless. I haven't gotten a reply from anyone and I just stood there and cried, even though I didn't know why. I just felt this huge sadness and emptiness.

Well, since my mom told me to just forget about this dream, I tried to. Notice, it was about six hours before the crash. I went to my cousin with my parents and we went to play mini golf. When we got there, I got a text message on my cell from my friend. She simply told me that a plane crashed into the WTC. At first I thought she was joking, because I just couldn't believe it. Then I got a message from another friend, who told me the same, and I was conviced that they are both doing it on purpose. When I got a third message, I knew that something wasn't right, so I told my cousin about it, but he told me not to believe it. But then other people there began talking about it and someone switched on the radio with the news. Needless to say, we left right after that and drove back to the little house we've rented. During the ride back, my Dad switched on the radio and we were listening to the news the whole time. And after about an hour, my mom looked at me and said: "This sounds like your dream. Planes being redirected and having to land elsewhere, because they are not allowed to come into the US. You knew that this would be happening, didn't you?" Well, sort of. I did not know what exactly would happen, but somehow I knew that something would happen. Some kind of sixth sense maybe. I don't know what it was or why I suddenly had such a dream, but it had a big impact on my life. Since then, I think much more about my dreams. I did have more dreams about things that did happen, but nothing was so huge and important like the 9-11 dream.

It might sound ridiculous, but I felt sort of guilty the first few days. I thought I could have done something, because I had this dream six hours before it happened. Everyone told me that I shouldn't even think that, because I couldn't have done anything. Everyone would have thought I'm either crazy or I knew more than I should have. Believe me, I know that I couldn't have done anything to prevent 9-11 from happening, but I still felt like that for a while.

And before I forget it: Happy Birthday, lpshinoda! *hugs* :)
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