(no subject)

Nov 25, 2011 15:55

Anybody on my flist already annoyed with my new obsessions?! *g* No? Good! :D Because there's more! Sadly, I only know like three or four people who like that show. :(

Anyways, I've been thinking about something a lot and eventually started making some kind of list. It's hard to explain, but that's the easiest way for me to collect my thoughts and to think things through. Now, let's see...

*gets her notes out and reads through them again* Hmhm... Okay...

I've mentioned before that I started shipping Emma and the Sheriff. Not just recently, but pretty much from the first episode. There is just something between them that makes me wonder about so many things. And believe me, I have a couple theories already. Not that I'm going to mention all of those in here, but I will talk about a few to get my point across - sort of. ;)

Now, I think nobody can argue that there is absolutely no spark between these two characters. Just look at the looks between them. I'm not imagining those. They are definitely there. And then he goes and asks her to work for him, even though he knows that Regina doesn't like Emma and therefore goes directly against Regina's... Let's call them orders for now. The Sheriff (I refuse to call him Graham yet, since we still don't know if it's his first or surname. ;)) has listened to Regina before and arrested Emma even though he knew she didn't do anything wrong. He knew it and pretended that he had no idea what Emma was talking about when she said it, though he didn't sound very convincing. ;) Why did he do it? Because Regina obviously knows something very important about him. I don't think it's just the job the Sheriff is worried about. There is more to that threat, and most likely something huge. It's not just that he listens to her orders, but he also sleeps with her, and we can't even call it anything else, since he doesn't seem to be very happy about it judging by the look on his face in 1x04. Then he goes and directly says to Emma that he doesn't care what Regina thinks about him offering a job to Emma. Right after he slept with Regina. Seriously, there is something big going on with those characters! Is he playing with Emma to somehow get back at Regina? I don't think so. He seems to be too genuine with what he is saying or doing. And did I mention all those little looks already? ;)

If you haven't read any spoilers or looked at pictures or previews for upcoming episodes yet, you might want to stop reading now, since I'm going to be talking about those for obvious reasons. ;)

In one of the clips for episode 1x05, we see the Sheriff giving Emma the badge, and the second she clips it on, the earth starts shaking. Coincidence? I don't think so. She just got one step closer to breaking the curse. Henry mentioned before that bad things happen when the residents of Storybrooke try to leave the town. Emma wasn't a resident of that town before and she still couldn't leave. It might be because she is part of the story and the curse. Oh, what am I saying! Of course she is part of everything! But why did the earth shake when she got the job? Well, I have two theories. Either it's because she is slowly breaking the curse by doing these things, or it's because the Sheriff went against Regina's wishes and involved Emma even more into their business in Storybrooke. It could also be both, which seems very likely.

The spoilers for episode 1x07 were even more interesting than what we've heard before. Well, that obviously mostly concerns the Emma/Sheriff shippers. ;) If you've seen any of those spoilers, you know what I'm talking about. That ship just got canon. *g*

In the first episode, Emma tried to leave Storybrooke and got stopped by a wolf on the street. I think that wolf might be part of the curse, but I'm not sure about this yet. In the promo pictures for 1x07, we see the Sheriff with a huge wolf very close to him - and he doesn't look too happy about it. I'd say that his expression looks a bit scared... To me, it looks as if the Sheriff somehow tried to leave the town for some reason and the wolf stopped him. Why would he want to leave though? There are a few possibilities I came up with. If you look at the other pictures from that episode, you will notice the Sheriff throwing a dart in Emma's direction. A dart looks very similar to an arrow. Keep that in mind for later! ;) So, he threw the dart for a reason we don't know yet, but there is a kiss afterwards outside the diner. Or was it even afterwards? Maybe it was before. If the kiss happened afterwards, Emma might have tried to leave the town and the Sheriff tried to follow her - and the wolf appeared. The only problem with this theory is that Emma can't seem to leave the town herself. She might have just ran outside though and the Sheriff simply throught she left the town.

Another possibility is the kiss itself. The kiss can't be good for the curse, because it's pretty much destroying the balance that existed in Storybrooke all these years. I'm not sure if Regina really knows who Emma is and what she means to the town and curse, but I think she might have figured a few things out already. Why else did she want her gone the whole time? So, there are Emma and the Sheriff kissing. Time for the wolf to appear and stop the Sheriff doing even worse things. I think it's obvious that the wolf was there to stop something. The way he was just standing there and looking at the Sheriff was just way too creepy.

Maybe the Sheriff simply tried to leave the town on his own though? We know that one of the characters remembers their fairytale self in this episode, but we don't know which character it will be. Judging from the pictures, I still think that it might be the Sheriff. If he remembers and then tries to leave the town - after kissing Emma, of course! ;) - the wolf might have tried to stop him. And since we know that the town will mourn a death in this episode, Regina could have somehow managed to kidnap the Sheriff or used some kind of spell on him and then faked his death. Though I'm not convinced that the Sheriff will die so soon. That would be tragic!

This brings me to the question of who the Sheriff is in fairytale land. There have been many speculations yet. Could he be the hunter from Red Riding Hood? He does have this red line on the back of his jacket and it's visible pretty much all the time. Or could he be the huntsman from Snow White? By now, I'm convinced that he is the huntsman. All those little things fit. The way he is working with the Queen. How he is not good - and probably not bad either. How he said that the forest is his world. How can he not be the huntsman? And then there is Jamie Dornan's tweet with this picture of him... Big Buck Hunter! Buck? Hmm... In the fairytale (I know that there are different versions, but I've talked to others and they know the same version I know.), the Evil Queen asked the huntsman to kill Snow White and to bring her the heart. The huntsman couldn't bring himself to kill Snow White though and killed a deer instead and brought its heart to the Queen. Now, Jamie, are you trying to tell us something? After some of us kinda asked you about this on Twitter? ;)

There is another theory that I have, and I know that I'm not the only one. This one doesn't seem to be very likely, but I'm still going to mention it here. This time, it's about Henry. Well, not really Henry himself, but something close to him. ;)

Remember when Regina asked Emma about Henry's father? The way she asked seemed to imply that she knows who the father is, and when Emma said that he isn't around anymore, Regina seemed to be content with that answer. Why is that? Regina legally adopted Henry. At least we assume she did. So, Emma and Henry's real father couldn't really do anything to get him back if they wanted to now. Why did Regina ask then? Maybe she knows who the father is and Emma doesn't remember? And why haven't we seen the Sheriff in the fairytale land yet? Could it be that he is no fairytale character? Let's just forget for a second that there is that huntsman theory. Maybe the Sheriff is from the real world. Maybe he has known Emma all those years before. Maybe he is Henry's father... You might ask why they don't remember each other then. Well, there is still Regina and her magic, because we don't know yet if she still has her magic or not. But if she still has it, she could have made Emma and the Sheriff forget about each other after he somehow stumbled upon this town. I know that it's a crazy theory, but after reading through this one article that got posted over here, I don't really think of it as too crazy anymore. Especially this part:

Are we going to meet Henry’s father?
In the pilot, Emma assures Regina that Henry’s father isn’t in the picture. But that might not be the case for long. “Henry’s father is a very important piece of the puzzle,” says Horowitz, who hints, “It’s also entirely possible we may meet him and not know we’ve met him.” Viewers should also keep an eye on handsome Sheriff Graham (Jamie Dornan), who Horowitz says is “pivotal” to the story.

It seems a bit strange to mention Henry's father and the Sheriff in the same paragraph as a reply to a single question. I know that we are talking about former "Lost" people here, so we should be prepared for everything and that they love to confuse the viewers, but it still seems a bit weird, don't you think?

I could probably go on and on and on about all my theories and thoughts, but I think this is a good place to stop for now. I don't want to confused anybody on here even more with my confusing theories. *g*

once upon a time

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