(no subject)

Jan 18, 2010 10:11

Something different today for a change. No personal posts or anything like tv show reviews. No, instead of that, I'm going to talk about a couple other things that I like. brokenstrings09 said that I won't be able to keep it short, so I will try really hard now - and will probably fail and bore you all to death. *lol*

Anyways, after being awake the whole night and watching the Golden Globes, I'm ready to do this now!

Be warned that this contains spoiler up to the current preview for the episode tonight! Everything before that is also fair game!

To answer this question right away: Yes, he is. But he wasn't always and he didn't just become like this. No, he had 'help' - lots of it.

Let's start at the beginning though. Gabriel Gray was a good guy. I doubt anybody can say that he wasn't. He was working in his own shop as a watchmaker and just wanted to be special. I seriously doubt it was his own wish though. His mother was always there and told him that he is destined to be more, to be special, to become president. If you are being told the same thing over and over again, you actually start believing it at one point. We have seen Sylar as a child. He was the typical child. Wanting to play when the adults talked. Did he look dangerous or like a child that would grow up to become a dangerous serial killer? Not at all. Granted, he witnessed his real father killing his real mother, but his memory surpressed what happened that day. It was a trauma for him and his brain decided to forget about it for now. This can't be the reason why he started to kill one day.

After his father selling him to his uncle, Sylar was told every day that he was special. Why? Probably because his aunt/mother felt guilty about what happened or, which is more likely, that he really was special to her. Her personal miracle. Her only child and she loved him with everything she had. Parents always (usually) want their children to be happy and do something with their life. So it was nothing unusual for Virginia Gray to want that for her son. That she helped pushing him into the direction of becoming Sylar wasn't anything she was thinking about back then - obviously. But the Company took that thought and used it for their own plans. They made Sylar realize what he was capable of. Add Suresh to the mix and you had a serial killer in the making. Both mixed together showed Sylar that he could reach more. That he could be much more than a simple watchmaker. Coupled with what his mother always told him, he took that chance and did what he thought would help him. This became more obvious when he went and visited his mother and showed her what he could do by making her apartment into her very own snow globe. He thought she would like it. She did like it, until she got scared. Yes, it is understandable. What we don't understand scares us, and Sylar's mother could not understand why Sylar could do these things, wich resulted in her freaking out and dying. I won't say that Sylar killed her, because it was clearly an accident. Despite him killing people all the time, he still loved his mother very much. But her dying changed Sylar even more. Not really on the outside and it was not that obvious, but he seemed to kill more vicious afterwards - and probably started thinking about killing those who did this to him in the first place: the Company.

Of course he knew that it was wrong to kill people. He was a kindhearted person. There is absolutely no denying that. But he eventually got powerhungry and the only way to get all these special powers was by killing special people like him. Sometimes it even seemed as if he only killed people who didn't deserve to have these powers in his eyes, but other times it seemed again as if he only killed those who had the powers he wanted and needed. In the end, he literally got addicted to killing. Addicted to collecting all these special powers. Like someone getting addicted to collect cars or pigs or whatever else there is. It was a serious addiction that helped him get more and more powerful and to actually fight against his enemies. His ultimate kill was Nathan, though the difference there was that he did not take Nathan's power the way he used to do it and still ended up with being able to fly. He somehow must have found another way to take and collect powers, but with Angela forcing Matt to erase Sylar's memories of him being who he is and telling him that he is now Nathan, he was not aware of his new ability to collect more powers, which resulted in Sylar's power basically being dormant.

After Sylar was finally back, he did try to kill and couldn't do it. Why couldn't he you might wonder? So far, we haven't gotten any answers, but there is always the possibility to speculate, right? It is as if something is keeping him from killing. It is obvious that he still has those powers, since he can actually use them for other things than killing people, but the second he goes for the kill, nothing works anymore. Is it a remnant of Nathan inside of him that is keeping him from killing? Or is it something else? Maybe it is because he experienced real love from Nathan's family? From Peter and Claire? It was different than the love from his mother, it seems, but it surely had a big impact on his life and the way he thinks now. The fact that he wanted to kill Sam, shows that he might not be aware of the change yet, but I'm sure it will come at one point. No, I don't think he will go back to being the kindhearted person that he was. That will never happen. He is too far gone for that already, that I'm very sure of. But he can still change a little with the help of others. And now add Claire to the mix.

It has been obvious for a while now that Sylar does have a serious interest in Claire. It used to be all about her power and him wanting it, but when he had it, he still went after her. He probably wasn't even aware of that all the time, but he wanted more from her. He tortured people close to her, which might be one of the reasons why he went after Nathan. It was not about the power and Nathan being a senator and the possibility of him becoming President. It might have been the reason in the beginning, which was shown in one of the possible futures of Sylar being Nathan, but something had changed then, since it was way before Sylar got Claire's power. Having looked into Claire's brain - literally - made him see something differently. Made him change his plans without probably realizing it at that point. But his first reaction after having killed Nathan spoke volumes: "Claire is going to be so mad at me." It was all about Claire. He wanted her to realize something. He wanted her for himself. It was probably a very twisted way of love. Sylar already loved her at that point, but Claire did not return those feelings, which she pretty much told him when they were both in that suite before Nathan got killed. Sylar has time though. He can wait. He knows it and she knows it. That game could go on for all eternity.

Another possible future showed Sylar having a son called Noah and they were living in the Bennet house. Now why would Sylar live in that house and call his son Noah? I think there is only one answer to that and everybody knows it. It's the most obvious one, to be honest. But Claire wasn't around. No, she became the killer now. What changed in their lives? Something big must have happened to reverse their roles like this and to have these two actually had a relationship at some point - or at least a one-night-stand, because I sincerely doubt that Sylar would sink so low to rape someone. Especially not when you see the way he is with his son. Honestly though? I don't think that was a future that could happen. This Sylar changed so much that it was already bordering on being ridiculous. It was just too much in such a short time. Simply impossible. Though change might be possible and Claire and Sylar possibly having a son could be the result of Claire having helped Sylar when he needed it. When he asked her for help.

This brings us to the current preview for the episode tonight. Sylar comes to Claire and tells him that she is supposed to help him. Help him with what? To stop killing? Because that is the only thing that seems plausible. What else could Claire help Sylar with. He already has her power and she hardly has anything else that he might want now. Add to that the Lydia told Sylar that he will see what he desires the most, which resulted in lots and lots of flashes in his mind - some with Claire. And then there is the tattoo. His future, what he wants, what he desires - and we see Claire. However, it was strange that the tattoo stayed. They usually always went away after a few seconds. Could it have anything to do with his powers? Well, whatever it is, he know has Claire on his arm - literally.

Now he went to Claire and demands help from her and somehow ends up kissing her. Granted, she looks as if she is unconscious. We don't know yet what happens in that scene and everything right now is only speculation. It will most likely end with Claire fleeing and Sylar trying to get her once again. The usualy cat-and-mouse game. But fact is, that Sylar needs Claire and she must be aware of that by now. She won't suddenly realizes that she loves him and he is probably aware of that. But he has time. There is still eternity for them. After all, he said that he doesn't want to be alone.

In conclusion I have to say that Sylar is and will always be a villain, but who said that Claire can't join him? It got hinted at a couple times and the possibility is very much there, but the ideal outcome of this would be them meeting somewhere in the middle. Where that middle is might be seen on the show soon. It might also get addressed in that episode tonight, but so far, we don't know anything because we clearly have learned that the future is not set in stone and can change all the time.

I wasn't sure if I should include the next part in this entry since the first part was already pretty long, but since I doubt anybody on my flist loves both shows or will actually read both or even one of those texts, I will just go ahead and do it. ;)

Remember that everything that was shown up until today is fair game here!

I doubt many of you know this, but I'm a fan of JAG and NCIS. *watches people raise their eyebrows* See, I knew the reaction would be like this. :p

On JAG, I loved everything about the show, and I mean everything. But this is only supposed to be about me being a shipper, so I'm going to leave it at that today. I loved Harm and Mac together. They were the ultimate couple for me on that show, even though I was aware of them not getting together anytime soon due to regulations. We all knew that and still shipped them for obvious reasons. Not to mention that it got always hinted at on the show and there was lots of flirting and jealousy - and let's not forget Mac's biological clock. It was all there and we were praying for them to do something. To find a loophole. To just get them together already. Nothing happened though. Nearly nine seasons without them getting together. And finally at the very end of the last episode in the last season it happened. It was a dream come true, but also a big disappointment. They were only together for a couple minutes? That is not what we wanted! We wanted more than that! Not an open end like this! We should have known though.

This brings me to NCIS. JAG spin-off. Same producers and writers. I have big hopes for Tony and Ziva, but I also know that I shouldn't. If we've learned anything from JAG, it's that on these Bellisario shows, the biggest ship doesn't get together until the very end. I still can't stop shipping these two though. I just can't. They are way too adorable and too perfect for each other. Not to mention that the feelings between them are too obvious not to notice them. It's obvious in everything they say and do. I doubt I'll have to come up with any examples though. Besides, there are too many to even begin naming all of them. Not to mention that other people on the show keep wondering if there is something going on between Tony and Ziva. So yeah, it definitely is obvious and not just wishful thinking. Hey, even Michael and Cote talked about it!

Remember when Tony was with Jeanne and Ziva was clearly jealous? Or when Ziva was with Michael and this time it was Tony who was jealous. All that snooping around and these long looks and the extremely moving talk in the men's room. It is all there. They would even die for each other. Even for that there are numerous examples. Take the bomb in S3 (or was it S4?) for example. Ziva went back inside to disarm the bomb and to keep the evidence from getting destroyed. Tony was right behind her and probably didn't even think about it. Now you can argue that he was just doing what partners do for each other in that job, but it was much more than that. He was worried about her - as usual.

When they stopped talking to each other in S7, it nearly killed them. They were miserable and cranky the whole time. I for one think that it was mostly due to them not being able to deal with their feelings. They don't know what to do anymore. It's all there, but they can't act on them. The reasons for that are numerous and I won't go into detail right now, but one of those is most likely Gibbs' rule #12. Of course we all know that this rule exists and what it means, but I highly doubt Gibbs really cares about that rule anymore. He isn't blind. He can see the feelings. Hell, everybody can see it! Didn't he even say once that he doesn't care when Ziva was standing so close to Tony that Tony said something about Ziva being in his personal space to Gibbs?

That talk in the men's room in 7x02 was a very important moment in that relationship though. They had to have this talk. They had to clear things up between them. But if you look more closely, you can see the little things. Tony was hardly able to look at Ziva. He didn't even trust himself. What would he have done? Kiss her? Maybe. He was emotional enough at that point and it would have fit that scene, but it could have also destroyed everything they were working on there. I'm not saying that this won't happen in general. But there are better moments. Much better moments. Not when they have to talk about what happened though, which was already bad enough.

I know, I know, I'm rambling, but even though I want these two to get together like now, I doubt it will happen until the very end, and that frustrates me a lot. They are both dancing around their feelings and each other the whole time and nothing will happen. doesn't it simply frustrate you? All those signs are dangling in front of us in every single episode and nothing is done about it. I'm crossing my fingers here that NCIS will be different from JAG - very different. *crosses fingers*

ncis, heroes

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