The Boat That Rocked

Apr 18, 2009 19:21

The first time I've seen this movie was at the German premiere here in Berlin. You might remember my entry about this back then. ;) The only problem there was that it was in German and you all know how much I dislike the German dubbing in general, right? Granted, I was extremely amused that they let David Turba lent his voice to Tom Sturridge, but the translations were...yeah...hmhm... So, yesterday me and Jules went to see the film at the CineStar - in English, of course! Finally! ;)

In my last entry, I hardly said anything about the movie, mainly because I didn't want to spoil anyone, but if you have clicked on the LJ cut here, you already know that I will talk about the movie and that you will be spoiled, so be prepared! *lol* Okay, okay, I won't tell you every little detail of the 135 minutes movie, but a couple things here and there - as much as I can remember that is. *lol* I mean, I'm not exactly the youngest anymore...:p

Now, let's see. This movie is about illegal pirate radio stations during the sixties in the UK, which you must already know, if you have seen the different trailers. There are all these radio DJs on board of the Radio Rock ship, Felicity (the only woman allowed on board, 'cause she is a lesbian) and the crew....and then there is Carl, who got sent ot the boat by his mother after getting suspended from school for smoking - cigarettes and more. *lol* Sending him to this ship was supposed to help him? Yeah, not so much. Not with these guys around. *g* Btw, Carl seems like this really innocent school boy who is obviously very shy and not experienced at all. He said it himself that the closest thing he has gotten to a kiss was by getting licked on the face by a horse. ;)

At first, the only thing that seems important on this ship is sex and rock'n'roll and it is. It really is. The moment a boat with all these girls arrive, every guy suddenly disappears, except for a few of them including Carl, Simon, Felicity etc. But don't fret, Dave is there to help young Carl out and it was clear that it will end up as a disaster. Even Carl himself thought so. *g* The plan: Dave and his girl are nearly getting it on, when Dave suddenly decides that he needs it to be very, very dark in the room. Pitchblack...Then he leaves for the bathroom, where Carl is waiting - brushing his teeth. *lol* After a really funny scene, Carl is naked and goes into the dark room - and chaos ensues. *lol* But hey, have you ever seen Tom Sturridge nearly naked? No? Well, this is your chance then! ;) Don't let this fool you though, it's still an incredibly funny scene.

So, yes, Carl is still a virgin then and it doesn't really seem to change any time soon - but then Quentin introduces him to his niece Marianne. That seems to be the light at the end of the tunnel and Carl knows it. Next stop: Dave and trying to get a condom. *LOL* Seriously, that scene is so freaking adorable! All shy and embarrassed...and then...nothing. It's pretty much a really sad scene that follows and I'm sure everybody felt for Carl and wanted to kick Dave - and Marianne and...well, you know. Poor Carl. :( Though the following scene with the cookies(?) and milk was amusing. It's always good to have friends!

Nighty Night?

Meanwhile, Dormandy, who works for the government, is still trying to find a way to shut the pirate radio station down and he doesn't care how it happens, as long as it happens - with the help of Mr. Twatt and Ms. Clitts. Yes, those are their names. :p

But the film isn't only about sex and rock'n'roll...well, yes, I know that I said that it is, but there is more to it: Carl's search for his father. He said that he can't miss anything that he has never had and he might be right about that, but when Thick Kevin told him his theory about who his father might be, Carl starts to think about it - a lot! So, when his mother visits him on the boat on Christmas, he directly asks her, but is assured that it's not the person he thinks it is - and before she leaves, she hints so much at who his father is, that Carl just knows, but then his mother tells him more about something else she has done the night before, which shocks Carl so much that he suddenly starts yelling. *lol* I love that scene! "NOOO!!!!!" :D

Now Carl has to talk to his father, but it's not so easy, since his father is very...quiet and strange. Hardly anybody even knows him on the ship and now Carl has to talk to him. He does it pretty well though and I can honestly say that this is one of my fav scenes. It's not funny or anything, but it's such a moving scene. :') "You are the man I've been looking and waiting for my whole life!"

Another great character on the boat is Simple Simon. So awesome! :D He is very...simple. *lol* But suddenly he is all ecstatic, because he is getting married, which totally came out of the blue and happened really, really fast. Elenore...Carl was Simon's best man and it was all around a really nice ceremony - until the next morning. Really, the scene in the kitchen between Carl and Simon was so incredibly funny, but then came the rude awakening...Elenore only married Simon to be close to Gavin...You know, it's a horrible thing to do that, but Simon's reaction was just too funny. ;) "I'm just next door." - "And you're going to have sex with him?" - "Yes." - "Every night?" - "I hope so." The whimpering there...oh man... *lol* Still, I thought it was great to see how the whole crew decided to stick together and help Simon.

The wedding
"Stay With Me Baby"

Speaking of the wedding though...The stag party was hilarious! "Pub!" *LOL* And all of them crawling along the floor in the end?! Priceless!

Or their way home and the hangover that day...Thick Kevin amused me the most now - or Carl. The slurring cracked me up so much, that me and Jules might have scared the other people there. I mean, the theater was pretty much packed. ;)

Meanwhile, the whole thing with the government got so bad, that Quentin and the guys decided, that they will go down with the ship, since the government passed the law that made pirate radio illegal at midnight of the new year. And yes, they all decided that they would die with the ship. Trust me, it was pretty much depressing to watch this scene. :( But then Carl got a visitor: Marianne was back. :D

Carl and the guys ;)

In the end, they finally decided to change the position of the ship, but it couldn't really handle all this and suddenly they had to deal with a huge hole in the ship and...I won't tell you what happens then. It was very dramatic and it included my favorite scene of which I'm currently trying to make an animation, which is a bit difficult, since I only have a few seconds - on my virtual harddrive on my media receiver. *lol* I won't give up though! ;) Anyways, that scene includes Carl saving his father and running through lots of water and having to dive in the end to save his father. Really amazing scene! :)

Bottom line: If you weren't convinced before, I hope you are now and that you will consider watching this movie. It certainly is worth it! The film has everything: fun, drama, sex and music. *lol* Mainly really great music though! ;) What are you waiting for?! Go! :p

the boat that rocked, tom sturridge

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