New layout

Jun 07, 2006 21:57

First of all: I've got a new layout! :D Well, okay, I'm not that happy with it, but at least it's something light and fluffy, since it's summer. ;)

I've noticed a few things lately, so I've decided to make some kind of really short tutorial. Also, I won't flock this entry, since it might be helpful for other people as well. ;)

Everyone who is working with graphics probably knows it. You want to add something from another picture into your current document, but it's too big, so you have to change the size of it. Now, how does this work?

First you open your picture and then choose your rectangle masking tool and change the style to this if you want it to be a perfect square.

Draw a rectangle around the area that you want to copy. You can still move it around afterwards.

Rightclick >> "Layer via copy" >> Delete the background layer and you have your picture snippet you need for the rest of your work.
Now click on your "Move tool" (the black arrow) and select "Show Bounding Box" in the top menu. This will give you a frame around your picture like this:

Now click on any little square in the corners. Don't move anything yet! Just click on it. This will result in the frame looking like this now:

Then click on the little paper clip in the menu. This will ensure that you can resize the picture without it looking completely distorted.

Use the squares in the corners now to change the size the way you want it, and it will always be your perfect square. ;)

And another one:

So, you have a brandnew DVD and want to make caps of certain scenes? PowerDVD is the perfect software for it, but it's a bit tricky to figure out what the right size is, so I'll explain this for you, since I noticed that people get some distorted caps with PowerDVD and that is absolutely not necessary. ;)

Open your PowerDVD and click on the little icon at the right side - the options.

This will open a new window. Choose "Player" settings from the top menu and you will get to see this.

Click on the "Advanced" button at the right hand lower corner. That will open another new window. Select "Capture to File" and "Current Video Window Size". If you choose "Original video source size", it will most likely be all distorted, so never do that if you want to get some good caps!

graphics, help

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