Jul 12, 2005 21:42
Today really was a day of good and bad...
In an effort to remain positive, as someone I care for very much keeps telling me I should do, I'll start with that.
The Positive:
Today was...wonderful. :D The guy I mentioned in my previous entry...we spent the day together, though we were supposed to also go to a game, those plans fell through (see the negative, below). I picked him up early this morning and we hung out (clothes came off shortly after we got back here ;P). The sex was great ;), and he was awesome. :) ...we watched a bit of anime, but that fell through rather quickly. The anime was put on mute shortly after. ;p But...wow. :D I forgot how much I loved just cuddling with him, geeking out with him...and yes, we are definitely the stereotypical cutesie couple right now. ;D
...we tried once before, and it didn't work out so well. But we've both grown and matured since then. ...and come to some new revelations which have drawn us closer together. <3 I share more with him than with any other boyfriend I've ever had in the past, too. ;D
I'm determined to make this work, this time. <3
The Negative:
Sometimes I think the universe is out to get me. But a long time ago, back in elementary school, I made a promise: if it was going to be Chris vs. the World, *I* would win. And I'm not going to give up now. No matter HOW apathy and misfortune strikes me down!
The guy and I were heading to York, but before we could even start leaving Whitby...we got into a car accident. :\ I was making a left turn as usual. There was a car coming, but it was quite distant - but I misjudged its speed (and that bastard was going FAST). He slamed into the front of my car, totalling it. I think it was ~$8000 worth of damages, at first inspection. We'll know the full figure tomorrow. Also, there was an ass who scraped his fender as a result of our accident. He did nothing but complain about how that scrape would cost oh-so-much to repair, while the two of us with *crushed in engines* remained silent.
The best thing was that no one was hurt, which is good. The bad part is that I now owe my parents even more money (totalling a sum only a few hundred short of $2000), and have a $110 ticket (easily remedied), AND will probably have to deal with higher insurance rates, which I can scarce afford. It's far better than the alternatives, but...I'm trying to remain positive about things. After all...things could be worse, a LOT worse. But they weren't. Money IS an issue, but one that can be resolved with a bit (okay, a LOT) of perseverance. I'll freely admit that money issues of the present and future terrify me. But I'm working on it...slowly...
The Final Word:
Today could have been far worse, and for that, I'm immensely greatful. Money matters worry me, but I know I can get through it if I try - it's just hard breaking out of that apathy sometimes. I've worked myself into a corner and it's hard to get out. BUT! I'm going to try my hardest! I refuse to live the life of an unmedicated, struggling writer! I WILL rise above, and make something of my life. I promise.
...it's also been suggested that I pay for some college after university, to help me get a job. It's quite possibly well worth the costs, even if I have to do it myself. I'm going to have to look into it.
And, finally...*nuzzle* To that sexy fox I like so much...
Why d'ya have to be so cute?
It's impossible to ignore you
Must you make me laugh so much
It's bad enough we get along so well...