Apr 10, 2005 02:06
I’ve decided to post a bit here, maybe a few thoughts but mostly my works in progress for any who might be interested since I haven't posted anything at fanfiction.net in a while. Don't know if I'll stick to it but we'll see.
I'm at work right now, my second job where all I do is this, hang out on the Internet and supervise a few people. Every Saturday night I do this and have been for a few years now. Basically I get paid for doing nothing so I've no desire to leave any time soon despite the hours.
My weekly job is with the city just part time but it pays quite well and gives me a load of extra time to exercise, hang out, write, browse the Internet (which I do there too - I'm a bit of an Internet fanatic sometimes) and take care of things without feeling at a loss for time. It's really nice. And again I feel that I get paid basically for doing very little and mostly what for doing the things I want to do which is writing my stories or reading other stories that I've sent to my yahoo addy and just hanging out on the Internet (those sites that haven't been blocked yet). It's a blessing to be able to work and still do what I enjoy half the time I'm there. Life is good.
So what next? Oh, I'm ill. My fever was 100 last night and I ended up sleeping for 20 hours off and on. Woke up healed or so I thought only to find as I was getting ready for work that I was sweating profusely and feeling awful. Took my temperature again and found it had gone up again. 'You're still going to work?' my oldest DD asked. Why wouldn't I when all I have to do is tell a few blokes what to do and make sure everything's running smoothly while I hangout online? 'But you're driving?' And why wouldn't I drive? I wasn't incapacitated though I felt weak. Nice to have such a caring daughter.
My youngest DD, 15, was less concerned. Only wanted me to access something online for her since our computer is having severe problems. Might have been mad at me since I told her she couldn't have her friend over which is our usual Saturday routine. But the reason I denied her the company of her best friend is that the sink was piled high with dishes! I woke up around 1:30 pm to find that! It was unacceptable and both of them know it. It was more than dirty dishes though. She's been stockpiling dishes and flatware in her room as if she were preparing to start her dowry or something. And she's not alone, the oldest does the same thing with remnants of their repast evident for all to see and enjoy I suppose but thankfully we've no bugs to dig into the small feasts they've been leaving behind - YET!
My mother would have had my head I tell you! But me, I'm probably too lenient. I resolved the problem by confiscating all dishes, flatware and pots and pans, washed them well, dried them and then doled out to each girl one plate, one fork, one spoon, one knife leaving one pan and one pot to cook with. I packed up the rest and that was that. Neither of them said anything though I don't think they realized the extent of what I'd done as they hadn't yet looked in the cupboards. Yes, I am evil, hear me roar but they'll survive and learn a little lesson too.
My throat hurts. No tonsils. Need tea. Maybe I'll get some and check out my Yahoo groups and then TorN.