Nerd Alert

Oct 21, 2008 10:49

WOW.  That was crazy.  I should not watch Battlestar Galactica while hopped up on cold meds.

I dreamed that I was a viper pilot and my partner and I got caught with a ship whose FTL computer was down and when we got it up, our jump calculations were off and we ended up on earth.  We didn't speak the same language and were arrested.  the ship and the other viper got away, but I had to warn the earth humans about the cylons and escape myself.  I ended up on a roof in Italy but managed to get my gear hooked up and took off into space.  It was very detailed.  I made it back to the rest of the colony people, but then they thought I was a cylon myself because I was trying to tell them where earth was. but we got it all figured out in time for me to hop back in my viper and fight some toaster butt!!
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