Just... three... more... days...

Jan 23, 2007 17:47

Only THREE MORE DAYS until summer vacations! A whole month of nothing but laziness!! YAY!! Rodri and I are going to Buenos Aires, Argentina, for a little more than a week, we leave on February 1st and I almost can’t wait!!
The thing is, the work I’m currently doing is SO BORING! I love to teach, but during January, with all the students already on summer vacations, there’s nothing to do here except for some boring paperwork.
And of course, they decided I had to do the boring paperwork, wasting time that I should be using in organize my next semester’s classes. *sigh*.
So, during the past weeks, I’ve been buried under the files of all the students since 1998 till now, searching for the phones of all those who abandoned the School of Journalism… and then of course I have to phone all those students to ask them why did they leave us. And then I have to list the alumni according the different reasons (Financial problems, vocational problems, health problems, academic problems) and then to come up with the statistic percentages.
And oh, FYI, I just LOATHE to make phone calls. I don’t even call my closest friends. I even try to avoid making calls to ask for a pizza. I don’t know why, really, but that only adds pain to my boredom.
Well, just three more days to go. Just three more days.
Some news flash:
I asked the loan for my father. *dodges rocks* I know, I know, I shouldn’t have. But what do you do when your own mother, who is a very good person and always gave you love and support, tells you “I have no one else to turn to?” Anyway, I spoke very seriously with her, and I told her I want my father to put some order in his finances, that I wanted this money to actually make a difference and not to be just another amount of money sucked by the economic equivalent of a black hole that is my family.
I demanded that they make in the very least a balance of how much money they have as a family income, how much money they spent in the house and how much money it’s left to pay debts. It sounds pretty basic, but they really don’t know even that. And I’ve decided I’m going to talk with my father too. After all, he’s the one with the main problem here.
A good new: My brother got himself a job!!!!! That’s truly great, so far he has just been a 24 years old child, who spends his free time playing on the computer and paying no attention to ANYTHING else, including the financial debacle of his parents or his university (that, BTW, is being paid by yours truly).
I have nothing against adult people being childish or enjoying games (I’m most definitely one of them, and very proud of that), but when there’s critical times, you have to shift your priorities a little. That’s why I’m so glad he got a job.
And my sister Fabiola (the one who asked me to ask the other loan for her) finally left her very expensive house. Cristian, her ex husband told her he needed to rent or sell the house so he could pay for another, smaller house for my sister and the kids. Well, she left the house, Cristian rented it for a no small amount of money… and then he told Fabiola that he was very sorry, but he didn’t have the money to rent her a house, because he had oh so many debts, that he was submerged in problems, and etc, etc.
He’s currently living in a nice house… that his new girlfriend is paying, of course. And what about my sister?
Well, she had no other choice but to go back to my parent’s house, much to their dismay. Of course they welcomed her and my nephews with open arms, but she isn’t happy in the least with this turn of events. She likes “her freedom” and my parents did make very clear that in their house there were some rules to follow, like… no parties all weekends, no disappearing for days with her new boyfriend and don’t even call to know how the kids are doing, not to hang every day with her friends until the wee hours of the night, that kinda stuff.
My personal opinion: It could be good for Fabiola to go back to our parent’s house. Her relationship with Cristian made her loose some important things, some spiritual things (I’m not talking about religion, but… inner, important things) that I thing she might get back by being again in the environment where she got them in the first place.
We were not that different, Fabiola and I… she just changed so much when she started dating with Cristian and then when she married him.
I know this is difficult for her, for my parents, for my other two siblings (not for my nephews, they’re ecstatic to be in the grandparents’ house ^_^) but I really hope something positive can come out of this.

money, fabiola, vacations

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