OK, OK, I'm doing it. ^_^

Jan 09, 2007 14:16

Tagged by razothredfire

Each player of this game starts off with 10 weird things/habits/little known facts about yourself. People who get tagged need to write a blog of their own 10 weird habits/things/little known facts as well as state this rule clearly. At the end you need to choose 10 people to be tagged and list their names. No tagbacks.

1.- I like to talk to myself. A LOT. Not only that, I often call myself "dear" (in several languages). I'm probably crazy, I know.

2.- I was named "Ana María" for an ex girlfriend of my dad. My mom didn't object, because she liked the name. XD

3.- I write fanfiction and I LOVE to do it. I've never posted any and I'm not going to do it because it's my private passion. But some of my plots are interesting, or so waschbaer11k has told me (she's the only one who had a glimpse of some of my stories).

4.- When I was little, I was scared of... umbrellas. Not when they were closed, only open umbrellas -_-; XD

5.- I'm extremely picky when it comes to food. I absolutely refuse to eat beans of all kinds. The mere smell makes me wanna throw up.

6.- A couple of times I had dreams where everybody (included me) talked in english... but with spanish subtitles. XD

7.- I would really like to kiss a woman just to know how it feels.

8.- My husband knows that and he doesn't have a problem with it, as long as I tell him when it happens. (Yeah, he's weird).

9.- I am totally addicted to those little nasal menthol inhalers. I have one in my house and other in the office and I've found out that I can concentrate a lot better if I'm smelling it.

10.- When I was in school, I was bullied. That's why when somebody laughs near me, I have to fight the horrible sensation that they're laughing at me or for something I did.

And now the tagging part, because if I was able to write down all these stuff and put them on the internet, you should be able to do it too! ^_^

So I tag: jukesette, stellafelice, waschbaer11k, ishtar_rox, jangojips, bellelvsbeast, lazy_robbie, algiemoncrieff, okelay, nopalina_fah.


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