Oct 16, 2007 07:14
Why, hormones, why?
Can't you just leave me be?
I don't remember them being so crazy out of wack in my previous pregnancies. Maybe because they were so close together it was like I never stopped being pregnant so it didn't phase me. And this time around I've had time to forget what it was like.
My body is definitely not my own right now. I feel so strange. So emotional. And that is just not like me. I mean, I know I have emotions, but I used to be the one in control. And things just didn't bother me. Now, tie a shoelace wrong and I run the gamut. Rage. Laughter. Sorrow. Fear. It's a shoelace for goodness sake!
I understand that things have been crazy for everyone right now, us definitely included, but really, its the hormones that are driving me insane. (yeah, yeah, I know, short trip...)
I cried hysterically the other night. FOR ABSOLUTLEY NO REASON. Honestly. I was almost asleep, not thinking about anything at all, and all of a sudden, I'm weeping uncontrolably, and I have no idea why. Eric was a bit startled.
"What's the matter?"
"I don't know."
"C'mon, its okay, I'm here for you. You can tell me whatever's bothering you."
"I don't know."
"I love you, just tell me."
"I don't know!"
And all I could do was cry harder.
Its been days now and I still can't figure out why I started crying. I know that this whole pregnancy promotes bouts of crying, I have experienced that before. But usually there is a cause that I know and understand. Like running out of milk. Or painting my toenails one color then deciding I don't like it. Or the toast not being toasted enough. Silly things, yes, but its a solid reason. Not like the other night. No reason. Just crying.