Jan 15, 2024 17:00
Why can’t I let this go
I guess I’m still more upset about things than I’m admitting to my self
Or I’m an over thinker
How do I process the… event? Well it was a fight not an event, and it changed nothing
Except maybe further shinning a light on what’s not working
This feels like such childishness
But maybe we never matured past that
So, I was trying to get mentally healthy, to learn to express my feelings and grow as an adult into an adult relationship with my parents
It was sort of working, slowly but I was starting to feel better
Then my brother moved in
He was thrown out of his house
Things weren’t good between us before, they never were really, since we were children things were bad, but manageable
You can manage dealing with someone who doesn’t respect you when it’s in small amounts
And it was very small amounts
Easy enough to put up with and ignore his high school mentality
Just keep your mouth shut and get through the afternoon
But it’s not just an afternoon anymore, or a day, it’s always
So how do I be healthy for my self?