i really should get back to
translating gokusen, but somehow my brain isn't functioning as it's supposed to. so i finished akiba@deep first.
i really really REALLY enjoyed that dorama ^____^ even if toma and kazapon weren't there, i'd still watch it because i am sort-of a closet otaku ^___^v (segue: is it still considered closet if i spilt it already? *waves it aside*) oh, if the dorama didn't have toma and kazapon in it, as long as they keep tousaka then i'll be happy *is giddy*
the fight scenes at the last episode were soooo cool ^___^ especially taiko's!! hahaha XD akira has cool cosplay costumes (even if it's against her wishes lol) XDDD and of course leader page has to have the coolest part! and lol about box and his women issues ^___^ and looking back on it, i think izumu is my favorite character among all of them ^___^ hahah daruma? let's say he became cooler at the end and keep it at that ^___^
i really loved it!! (>_<) nice nice!! one series crossed out from my to-watch list! ^__^v
and speaking of doramas... shika otoko awoniyoshi is soooooo nice!! dorky tamaki hiroshi, anyone?! XDDD i wish somebody would do subs for this because i wanna understand everything!! i only catch snippets in the dialogues... and i wanna do screen caps of loser tamaki soon because he's sooooooooo cute!!! XDD
oh, the new news pv will come out in a while... it's the kurosagi version so there will be clips from the movie... i can't wait!! ooooh!!! and taiyou no namida!!!! nekkid news!!! XDDD *dies*
and, oh!! before i forget...
hope you have a good one!