Been knocked down, beat down, black and blue...

May 30, 2004 23:21

Alrighty, got some updatage for ya < collective gasp at the timeliness... sort of >

Well, leshee, Friday was awesomerific. School ended (FINALLY!!!!!!) and then me, Chloe, Sarah, and Janet all went to the improv show at 3. It was great, cuz we hung out in the music wing before that and were dancing around, hugging, headbanging, making suggestive comments and just generally being stupidly hilarious. Then the show was alright, I liked the middle part of this one where they gave Calib (that's how you spell his name... I think... maybe) 2 pairs of sunglasses, a beret, and a hand mirror, gave Ben an old lady hat, a book, and a tennis raquet, and this other kid a red hat, a phone, and fake sword. They had to act out a scene using these objects, quite amusing. Then after that improv show, me and Chloe mosied on over to meet Greg, Matt, and George at Anna's. This ended up being interesting because we mixed up, realized there were two where we were, and then had to wait a half hour until we finally saw them (we started walking). They had also eaten already... which wasn't too intelligent. Then we hopped a train and then walked to school. Sooooo many people cuz there was a game. I HATE MOBS. They're hot, smelly, and they block normally perfectly good intersections which PEOPLE LIKE TO USE TO GO PLACES FOR ACTUAL REASONS. I'm alright. So we were about 20 min early so we went to the Galleria, where we saw Claudia, Sophia, Becca, Jo (I REMEMBERED HER NAME!) and a few other people. Then Grace, Joan, Mindi and Anthony showed up. Grace said hi and then went to sit w/ the other people and of course Mindi and Anthony didn't say anything to me. SURPRISE SURPRISE. But whatever, I was having fun anyway :) So Matt and George went off and came back with a really really large 2 liter bottle of diet Pepsi which we all (me, Chloe, Greg, Matt, and George) all tried to drink from using straws we'd fitted together. It didn't really work, but that's alright. After that, we all walked over to school and saw the 2nd show. Before that though, I went to my locker, and Matt raced me up the steps... one step at a time, considering my fucking knee kills for reasons still un beknownst to me. But it was funny. The second half I thought it was the funnier of the two and in the 2nd half, there was a fight between the fish factory and the chicken factory which was terribly funny, because at the last part, when the 4 guys from either side came on to duke it out at dusk (that's right, dusk, not dawn, this was made very clear haha), they all came on snapping, West Side Story style. It was great. After the show, we hung out infront of the school until Chloe's padre came to take me and her away.

I'll have to finish this another time, seeing as how I've been yelled at all of 7x to get off this computer.

< waves hankerchief > Good bye, farewell, aufweiterzein! < wipes a tear >
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