[fic] A Taste of Home

Jun 30, 2012 13:34

Title: A Taste of Home
Rating: G
Genre: AU, general, sad attempts at humor
Pairing: None? JaeMin if you tilt your head 67 degrees to the left and blink 3 and a half times, I guess. *shrugs*
Notes: DBSK at Hogwarts. Brought about by convos with kratynoi and far too much Harry Potter fan fiction lately. Very short, just over 500 words, and I hate the ending. Seems a bit... blah, but I couldn't figure out anything else to do with it. Hope you enjoy it anyway. ^_^
Summary: Changmin has been cut off from one of his great loves. Manipulation brings it back to him.

A Taste of Home

"I want some kimbap," Changmin demanded, eyes shining brightly at the thought of the beloved food. Large eyes stared back at him blankly. "Ddeokbokki? Kimchi jjigae. Omurice. Please?" He was desperate, and he didn't mind showing it. When he still received no response, he waved his hand to dismiss the incredibly confused house elf.

Jaejoong snickered at him from the couch. "You should know better, Minnie-ah. Hogwarts house elves are thoroughly British. They wouldn't know how to make a decent kimchi jjigae even if they had ever heard of it before."

Changmin glares at him. "This wouldn't be an issue if you would find your smug little way down to the kitchens and cook for your poor, starving dongsaeng! I'm dying here, hyung!"

"Again?" Yoochun chimes in as he, Junsu, and Yunho stroll into the common area they'd discovered. With the five of them spread amongst three houses, they'd had to find a neutral area to hang out. A small unused classroom on the fourth floor had proven the perfect spot. They'd cleaned it up then transfigured some odds and ends into plush couches and chairs for themselves. "Weren't you dying around this time yesterday, too?"

Jaejoong snorts. "He's been 'dying' every day around lunchtime since about two and a third weeks after we got here. Fortunately he's usually recovered by dinner time."

Barely taking the time to shoot Yoochun a glare for the teasing, Changmin turns a forlorn look on Jaejoong. Jaejoong, for his part, manages to suppress his grin and waits for Changmin's next plea. "Why do you hate me, hyung?"

And Jaejoong knows it's manipulation. He knows Changmin doesn't actually believe Jaejoong hates him. But there's one reason Changmin was placed in Slytherin over Ravenclaw, and it's that ability to lie even with his eyes. Jaejoong can't stare into that disappointed face and those sad eyes without doubting what he knows is true.

The other three watch from the sidelines, knowing that Jae has a history of being unable deny Changmin anything when he looks like that. This time proves no different. Jaejoong hangs his head and sighs. "Dammit, Min. Fine, fine. Let's go look for the kitchens and see what I can manage. Just… stop looking at me like that!"

Junsu and Yoochun let out joyful whoops while Yunho smiles broadly. Jaejoong turns a playfully betrayed glare on them, and Yunho just shrugs. "You can't really blame us, Jaejoongie. Being allowed to come to Hogwarts for this year is a great opportunity and all, but we can't help missing the comforts of home. And you're the closest we're going to get to a mother's home cooking."

The glint in Jaejoong's eye turns dangerous as he draws his wand, and Yunho realizes his mistake too late. "Are you calling me a woman, Jung Yunho?" Jaejoong hisses. Despite the shake of his head and attempts to recant, Yunho still has to dodge several hexes as he bolts out the door. Jaejoong chases after, shouting curses both magical and verbal in their native Korean. The three younger boys grin at each other and follow at a more sedate pace. They'd all meet up in the kitchens once Jaejoong had gotten his revenge, and their taste of home would then be complete.

one-shot, ot5, fiction

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