
Sep 15, 2009 11:06


Their Strength, My Despair
Summary: You think you know, but you have no idea. The wonderful picture that is painted about the biggest group sweeping through Asia is just that, a painted picture that seems to be slowly melting under the spotlight of the stage. All those happy moments you see, all that you think you know, dissolves right in front of you as hope slowly falls to the waist side. Watch as these boys slowly fall apart, and the roles you think they play come crashing down. Who ever said being in the spotlight, being part of this band, would be fun? Since when was it ever about the music?
What I Think: Min… really kinda hurts my heart in this. He's just so… cynical and bitter. And he tries to be strong, but it just doesn't work. And I just love how the whole story plays out, the whole journey Minnie has to go on.


All You Can Ever Learn (Is What You Already Know)
Summary: Changmin makes a discovery about himself.
What I Think: Minnie really breaks my heart at the beginning. Then Junsu takes a turn doing the same thing. And then the ending is just… amazing. And awesome. And perfect.

Summary: Their first meeting doesn’t go too well.
What I Think: There's a lot of great growth in these characters, which isn't always easy in a short story. They have their bittersweet moments, but they're still amazing together. And I really love the last scene, how it describes their relationship without having them in it at all.

Eclectic, Electric
Summary: Changmin was born with the ability to control electricity, generate currents, and dictate its flow, but love can't be so obedient.
What I Think: So, I really love supernatural/sci-fi stories, and I really love how this fic starts practically from Min's birth and goes all the way through. All the characterizations are really awesome and just really sweet.

First Love
Summary: The first time Changmin fell in love, he counted two hundred days until his heart stopped pounding like a trapped bird humming inside his chest.
What I Think: I love how that bird imagery starts with the very first sentence then continues all the way throughout to the very end. And for as brilliant as Changmin is, he really is very oblivious. Kind of amusing.

Heart Game
Summary: Everyone knew about it, of course - it was hard not to, the way he always acted different around Junsu.
What I Think: So, yeah, Junsu's the oblivious one in this fic, and Min really does act like he's a schoolgirl with a crush. The commentary in italics throughout is just freakin' hilarious. I love how the MinSu become more in the end without actually losing any of their… MinSu-ness.

Summary: Changmin and Junsu play at the playground everyday with each other until Junsu disappears after saying something that he hadn't meant to say.
What I Think: Chibi!MinSu are just adorable. And the whole thing is just filled with really cute imagery.

Run-On Over Me
Summary: 'I fear those big words, Stephen said, which make us so unhappy.' - James Joyce, Ulysses
What I Think: I absolutely love the style of this. Really, really beautifully written. And it's one of those where it hurts, but… it doesn't? If that makes sense? Probably not, but it's amazing.

Summary: Junsu is asleep, curled up under the blanket, his face turned away from the light streaming in from outside the room. Changmin stands by the bed, wide awake, sleepless and filled to the brim with a desire he has never known until now.
What I Think: Oh, Junsu… A bit of Oh, Changmin, too, but more Oh, Junsu… Heartbreaking but hopeful as well.

Still Life
Summary: Time is running out for the two of them, no matter how much Junsu wants to pretend.
What I Think: Yeah, it is pretty much as heartbreaking as the summary implies. But it's also beautiful and amazing and sweet and just awesome.

minsu, dbsk fic recs

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