[GBtR] Chapter 22

Nov 22, 2013 19:17

Title: Getting Back to Real
Chapter: (22/25+Epilogue) Showdown
Pairings: YooMin, HoSuJae
Rating: PG-13
Genre: AU, sci-fi, drama
Summary: After the events in Dreaming Back to This, the five have fled Korea and started to rebuild a new life for themselves far away. The past still haunts them, however, perhaps even more than they first realized.
Notes: Finally finished~~!!! Granted, this chap took, like, NO time once I actually started working on it, but really, I needed the hiatus from this fic. But I'm back now and should hopefully be returning to semi-regular updates. And I now present you the moment many people have been waiting for since... shortly into DBtT, I would imagine. XD
Previous: Dreaming Back to This, Chapter 1, Chapter 2, Chapter 3, Chapter 4, Chapter 5, Chapter 6, Interlude, Chapter 7, Chapter 8, Chapter 9, Chapter 10, Chapter 11, Chapter 12, Chapter 13, Chapter 14, Chapter 15, Chapter 16, Chapter 17, Chapter 18, Chapter 19, Chapter 20, Chapter 21

Chapter 22

Hyunae jolts awake at her desk, the blaring alarms loud enough for her to feel the vibration through her whole body. As soon as the haze of sleep clears from her mind, her first thought is for Changmin. She immediately bolts for the door, throwing it open and heading down the hall. She slips and slides around the corners on the tile floors, her socks not offering any traction and her shoes still stowed back under her desk.

Changmin's room comes into view in what seems like record time. She bursts through the door of the observation room, not surprised to see Phillips already there though the apprehensive expression on his face shoots a bolt of satisfaction straight through her. Turning, she looks through the two-way mirror into Changmin's room.

Obviously, Jaejoong had been able to pass her information along, because Changmin is awake and looking pissed. The guards that had been in the room are laying on the floor; Hyunae's not sure whether they're unconscious or dead. She can't say she'll feel bad either way. She can see clouds of the drug-mist in the vents on the wall, but something is keeping the mist from escaping into the room. A strong suspicion points a finger at Changmin. If true, it's an impressive display of power, especially as he uses more of his power to fling any heavy, solid object in the room at the door in an attempt to break out.

"Hyunae," Phillips breathes out in a relieved sigh, "thank god you're here. Maybe you can talk him down. He's always seem to trusted you."

Hyunae offers a little half-smile at that, though probably not for the reasons Phillips is thinking. Stepping up to the control panel, she flips the still-ringing alarm off and the intercom system on. "Min?"

Changmin pauses in his assault on the door, cocking his head to the side as if attempting to place the voice. "Hyunae?"

"Yeah, it's me, Min," she assures him. "Chill out for just a second, okay? You're going to need to save some of that energy." He nods, lowering the bed gently back to the floor, and she turn back to Phillips.

"What does that mean?" Phillips demands as she walks to the medical cabinet and pulls out a few syringes pre-filled with blocker cocktail. "Why would he need to save his energy? Isn't it better if we just let him wear himself out?"

Closing the doors of the cabinet again, Hyunae spins then leans back against it with her arms crossed over her chest. "He's going to need his energy," she explains slowly, as if talking to a very small child, "for when I go let him out. I'm sure he has plans now that he's awake."

The realization dawns slowly on Phillips's face, and Hyunae simply watches as his eyes start to widen with his newfound insight. Then he glances down at the fistfull of syringes clutched in her right hand and attempts to bolt for the door. She springs after him, easily overtaking the distance between them as she'd already been prepared for the action. Wrapping her left arm around his throat in a chokehold, she jabs the needles into his right bicep and depresses the plungers. The amount of drugs she'd just injected double-whammy him with both the loss of his powers and a sudden, heavy lethargy. She releases her hold as he slumps to the ground, still conscious but certainly in no condition to move.

"You just stay there for a minute," she says as she steps over his prone body. "I'm sure Min is gonna have a few things to discuss with you." Stepping out into the hall, she freezes when a group of people round the corner at the end then relaxes again when she realizes who it. "What, did you guys fly here or something? He just woke up."

"Not like we were that far away," Yoochun replies with a small smile. "As soon as Min disappeared from our core, Jae and I grabbed the other three and ran over here. Is he okay?"

Tessa nods, putting any of their fears to rest. "He's fine. Pissed, obviously, and with good reason, but he's physically okay. Phillips is currently no threat whatsoever, and I figure we'll let Min decide what to do with him." That being said, she steps over to the next room's keypad and punches in the unlock code. The heavy metal door slides open, and Changmin steps - calm now - out into the hallway.

He offers her a bright smile of accomplishment then turns to the other people in the hall, eyes widening when he realizes who exactly is standing there. Before he can react, he's crushed in the middle of a massive group hug, and he wraps his arms around the body latched onto his front. He relaxes further into the embrace when he recognizes it as Yoochun and rests his forehead against the other man's shoulder. He can hear soft, comforting things being whispered against his ear, but he doesn't pay attention to the words themselves as much as the warm voice speaking them. It's been far too long since he's heard that voice outside of his head.

The tangle of limbs eventually starts to sort itself out as they slowly ease out of the embrace. It's only been a few days, really, but it feels like a lifetime, and they're all reluctant to let go. Changmin finally initiates some distance between them, knowing they still have some important business ahead of them. "Come on," he says as he starts to step away, though not before lacing his fingers with Yoochun's to maintain some contact. "We need to go take care of Phillips then figure out what we're gonna do with this place."

Changmin takes a deep, fortifying breath before stepping over to the observation room and through the door. Phillips is still flat out on the ground, eyes rolling up to meet Changmin's gaze as he enters the room. Yoochun's grasp attempts to hold him back as Changmin takes a step closer, but Changmin gently shakes free of the grip to crouch next to the limp body of the man who had terrorized him for so long.

"You know," he says softly as Phillips stares up at him, "I had every intention of coming in here and paying back every pain you've been responsible for. I used to dream at night of what I would do to you, how I would hurt you and draw it out over time so you could experience even a fraction of what you put me through. Looking at you now, though... I don't see the point. You're pathetic, and you're not worth me wasting any more time and thought over. So I guess all I can say is, I hope you enjoy your time in Hell." And with that, Changmin thrusts a shot of his power at the doctor and stops his heart.

Phillips writhes weakly on the floor for a few moments, pain slamming his eyes closed in a wince as his mouth drops open with a silent scream, experiencing for all intents and purposes all the symptoms of a heart attack. It lasts barely a minute, not nearly enough time in Changmin's opinion, before the man slumps back to the floor no longer breathing. Dead. Finally dead. Changmin stares at the body for he's not even sure how long before Yoochun steps up next to him and rests a hand on his shoulder. "Come on, Min," the older man encourages him placidly. "Let's get out of here."

With one last look at the monster in front of him, Changmin rises and follows Yoochun's lead out of the room. Phillips may be dead, but there's still plenty of work to be done.

getting back to real, jaehosu, yoomin, fiction

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