Just Another Status Update...

Jun 24, 2013 21:15

Hey, all~ I know things have been relatively quiet from me lately (especially for those of you waiting for a GBtR post... :/), so I thought I'd let you all know what's been going on.

For those of you who read the 'Notes' part of my fic headers, you'll know from the... last? next-to-last?... GBtR post that I have recently taken on a new fandom. And for those who saw my most recent fic going up, you'll know what fandom that is. ^^ So, yeah, Supernatural is kinda ruling my brain right now. Like, seriously, to the point that I've caught up on the last 7 seasons - and just started Season 8 - in just a few months. I've been hooked to Youtube, watching vids from convention Q&A panels and gag reels and other such things. And fics. Lots and lots and LOTS of fics~~~ XD

Now, this is NOT one of those "I regret to inform you..." posts. I'm NOT leaving the DBSK fandom by any means. I've just been temporarily distracted from it. This happens every few years for me; I'll find a new fandom, latch on, and run with it like a crack addict. It always eventually calms down, though, so I'll be able to balance the fandoms out once that happens. And look at it this way: for those of you out there who are also fans of both like me, you will be getting a pretty cool (IMHO) Supernatural/DBSK crossover fic out of it. XD

As far as my pure DBSK fics, though... Honestly, they've been REALLY hard for me to find any motivation to write on lately. Even before Supernatural took over. In fact, Supernatural had the opportunity to move simply BECAUSE I was having so much trouble. I needed a distraction from them and stumbled onto a whole new fandom instead.

I can't tell you why I'm having this trouble. I'm not entirely sure myself. It's not because I love the guys any less or that I lost interest in the actual stories themselves. It may be due to the lack of feedback I get on all my stuff, possibly. (Now I don't want you guys thinking I'm whining or whatever just to get more comments. I'm not. And I'm not even sure that IS a cause of this. Just me thinking out loud ...ish..., and that's just one possibility.) So, yeah, I dunno.

As it stands with specific stories: I have nothing more written for GBtR beyond what's been posted, though as you all know I DO have it planned out; I have the 2nd part to my Labyrinth fic written but haven't found the will to post it; I have a beginning written to a 2nd part for the vampire AU I posted that will be finished at some point. The Supernatural crossover is definitely making the most progress, but for the first time ever in my writing career, I'm writing out of order. So basically the part I'm working on would be a 3rd or 4th part, and I'm going to have to go back and fill in the middle sections to get from what I've already posted to what I'm currently writing.

Basically, what this all means? Yeah, I've been quiet lately and likely will continue to be quiet for a while longer. I'm trying, though, and hopefully I'll be able to give you guys something soon. Just hang with me, okay? ^^


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