Jun 18, 2009 09:04
it still astounds me to the amount of paper ateneo goes through. yes my friends the dolphins are crying. people are photocopying entire text books for a class. there are about 5 photocopy machines at our library and there are lines going on forever and piles of of entire text books to be photocopied. it took about 2 hours for me a to get an 6 pages photo copied for my philo class. why in gods name would you require to get a copy of an entire text book when 1. there is only one copy for 60+ students, and only one copy in the entire school. and the copy belongs to the teacher.
i mean sure it saves on money, its like P0.60 per page, which is probably the fraction of what the book actually costs. but man hours of my life wasted waiting for photocopies.
or this cud just be my hidden frustration torwards the hordes of freshmen at school. dam you freshmen lol .they are everywhere. that and i am bored have like a 4 hour break til my next class. my org wants me to print out some posters for our recruitment week. and i am too lazy to get my ass to the printer which is somewhere on a coast of road outside of my school. too far. its raining. and i havet read my readings.
one day when i am freakishly feeling like saving some dolphin tears (not to mention probably bored out of my mind) i shall scan an entire text book and post it somewhere where people can find it.
and i really need to find a word the is equivalent to sabaw, wasak, meaning you mind is soo dead that you arent thinking right.. i use sabaw way too much. i want a new one. wooo i shall use my lingo skills to create one.
though my word of the moment that i want to integrate in to everyday use is the arabic: Imshala the gist meaning something like "its in gods hands" or "leave it to god" or "destiny" or something.
and asalam malaykum(extremely spelt wrong) i dont know i like that fact that people say peace me with you as a hello.
marhaba is hello in arabic though
oh using my 10 year in saudi arabia is finally getting to me. and i am just always tired. probably the massive amount of traffic, or the rain. or my body is rejecting schools. i am assuming the latter. will go read about "REFLECTION ON THE RIGHT USE OF SCHOOL STUDIES WITH A VIEW TO THE LOVE OF GOD" my philo readings