(no subject)

Dec 29, 2005 11:18

10 firsts.
first boyfriend/girlfriend : Chase ♥
first best friend: Becca was and is my first offical best friend
first screen name: Mer71890
first kiss: JT in preschool, besides that Chase
first crush: Josh
first music: Country
first car: i get the family acura on my birthday
first stuffed animal: i gave it to my little bro, its a lamb that he calls bunny
(any one notice that was only 8?)

9 lasts.
last cigarette: none
last alchoholic beverage: um Christmas Day dad let me have a glass of wine
last kiss: Yesturday :)
last movie seen: Gattaca
last phone call: Chase
last cd played: Dirty Dancing Soundtrack
last bubble bath: like a year ago?
last time you cried: Christmas day? or the day after that?
last relationship: Still going with Chase

8 have you evers.
have you ever dated one of your best friends: Chase and i were really good friends over the summer but we both kinda liked each other have you ever skinny dipped: not yet
have you ever kissed somebody and regretted it: no
have you ever fallen in love: yes
have you ever lost someone you loved: a friendly love, yes
have you ever been depressed: Yes, to the suicidal point once, but over Christmas i was very depressed
(thats only 6)

7 states you've been to.
1. Kentucky
2. North Carolina
3. Florida
4. Wyoming
5. Mississippi
6. Pennsylvania
7. North Dekota?

6 things you've done today.
1. Sleep
2. eat
3. talk to chase
4. watch MTV
5. felt concern over my grandfather falling
6. washed my face (sorry, its really early on an uneventful day)

5 favorite things in no order.
1. God
2. Horses
3. Books
4. movies
5. Friends

4 people you can tell [almost*] anything to.
1. Becca* (im sorry but it still hurts about the things, i mean i still tell you everything, but im alittle more paranoid)
2. Chase
3. Breanna
4. Landi (and others)

3 wishes.
1. I wish that all this Crap between my friends would go away, and that they would actully act like they cared about making things better when i dont remind them.
2. I wish i could gain my confidence back with riding, and that i could find a good horse.
3. I wish that shit like this wouldnt happen.

2 things you want to do before you die.
1. Marry my Prince Charming
2. Move to Ausrtralia

1 thing you regret : I regret the things i did and I said because i was trying to make my friends realize that i was upset but it just made them mad at me, and now it seems like nothing will ever go back to normal and that it doesnt matter that much to them because they would rather ignore it and talk to other people. Im sorry but thats my opinion and how i feel, if you get mad at that then why are we friends?
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