(no subject)

Nov 23, 2005 21:46

Hi everyone. Im in kentuky right now. Kinda boring but im making i through. They said it might snow tonight. Like 2 inches. Well anyways i figured its the eve of thanksgiving so i shall post who i am thankful for. So here goes...

Becca- You’ve been my Best friend for 4 years now. You’ve always been there for me during rough times and always found some way to make me feel better. Though things have slowed down this year I bet they will speed up again soon. You were the reason that I moved up here so I could go to Oak Mountain and I thank you greatly for that because here is where I found chase. Hehe looks like we can thank each other for one another’s boyfriends. Anyways you’ve always been the one I can talk to about anything and everything and you’ve bleared with me for the past 4 years which no one else has ever done. I am eternally gratefully for all the things you have given me just as I am thankful that Mrs. DeBlanc just happened to sit us right next to each other in the back of the Religion room. Thank you for ever thing. LYLAS

Breanna- You’re always the one that keeps everyone strait. You have a strong opinion about almost everything which is great because I usually have no idea. You’re always the person I go to when I want to figure out if I’m being completely stupid about something. You’re always someone I can tell everything which I think your starting to not like lol. You’re also the person to go to if ya want to know anything about rent. I think its really funny listening to yall singing in Drama class. I am thankful for you because your one of the only ones that stands behind me, if not fighting for me, but at least telling me that I have some reason for what I’m doing. Thank you for always being there as some one to talk to and someone to set me strait. LYLAS

Landi- For the past year we have all had the fear of you leaving us. You being the usual one to leave first we all figured this as the ultimate leaving first. I had a goodbye party and everything planned when you came to me with the wonderful news that you weren’t moving to anywhere but to Oak Mountain. You have no idea how excited I was when I hear the news. Things have defiantly been different since you’ve move but they have defiantly been better. It is so much better to see you every day then to miss you. You have to be one of the sweetest people I have ever met. You don’t have a mean thing to say about anyone except those who deserve it of course. You are also one I can always go to if I need someone to talk to and you help me through what ever Im going through. Your always there and will always be here now and I am so glad that you are able to go to school with us. Thank you for being you. LYLAS

Caroline- Though we’ve only been friends for a couple of months now I have found that we can tell each other almost anything. I’m sorry I told you some things you prolly didn’t want to know (lol) but your always one to laugh with me about the craziest things. I’m so glad that you were there with me to see Fish Outawater and the bad bear club. You and me make great water molecules and bond together better then anything else. Hehe. I swear I would hate chemistry if it was not for you. You keep me awake and smiling at the end of the day as we laugh our heads off at the most random things ever. I still cant believe you were with us as Science Olympiad. That’s like crazy. But the point is you’re here now and I never want you to leave even if this state is crappy and has no snow. I ♥ You and all your Huggles! LYLAS

Brody- I only got to know you this year and I have to say I wish I got to know you earlier. You are so awesome and always have something to be happy about. You always make me smile somehow and can always tell when I’m feeling just a little bit down or just being really quiet. We always seem to have a great time when we hang out and we have several really funny/weird/ crazy jokes. For example I’m still waiting to watch another moo. You help me give a lot of nicknames to people also which have to be some of the weirdest ever. You and me always end up just us and the football games telling off people who obviously don’t know how to wear their cloths. Its sad that football season is over though. But I bet we can find something else we could do. I love how you always seem to brighten up my day. LYLAB

Chase- I save you for last because you are the best thing that has ever happened to me. We met over a pack of cards backstage of My Fair Lady. I had known who you were before as the guy who sits in commons, is in my homeroom, and loves his girlfriend a lot. I remember I was around a year before now that I had first seen you and said “I wish I had a boyfriend like that” and look at me now. All summer we avoided the subject even though I believe we both had a feeling that we liked each other. When I finally said yes I had no way of knowing exactly how much you would do for me, how amazing you are and how much I would love you. There is not enough words for me to express how much you mean to me. I guess the best way to sum it up is : I love you, more, most, more then most, and most most; I love you more than anything and everything; body, heart, soul, and mind; and nothing will ever change that. I hope that I never loose you. I love you so much.

And then there are the people who are also a big part of my life that im sorry to say i dont have enough time to write a paragraph about:












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