Ats - "Her Angel" - G (Cordelia/Fred)

Feb 19, 2009 15:52

Title: Her Angel
Author: dreamincolor
Fandom: Ats
Pairing: Cordelia/Fred
Genre: Romance/Angst
Rating: G
Summary: What keeps them whole, is remembering.
Word Count: 358
Disclaimer: Joss wins.

Beta'd by: the lovely deird1
A/N: There's something about having a billion important things to do, that makes me all drabbly.



Finding Fred was a one in a million chance.

Or that’s what Fred told her, anyway. There was a more specific percent, that came with a long-winded explanation that took everything into account from the proximity of the portals that brought them there, to the number of days they‘d been hiding out in Fred‘s cave; but it didn’t matter much. Not to Cordelia.

Because as grateful as she was to be out of the slaver’s stalls and into Fred’s cave - with a deactivated collar and a companion who stole enough food for the both of them, who took care of her - the more she thought about how long it had been since the portal, the more she missed LA.

LA, with all the lights and sounds of a big city, and all the comforts of civilization. She missed everything about it - even her dangerous, completely un-glamorous job.

Sometimes they would sit for hours, talking about hot showers and real food, and the people they had known before, outside of Pylea. Parents, friends and lovers. It wasn’t the same as being home, but they helped each other remember, to believe. They needed help believing - because sometimes it felt, even to Cordelia, like they had been born there, in Pylea, and that there had never been anything else; anything before slavery and hiding. That they had never been anything other than cows, and that LA and Texas were two halves of a beautiful dream they‘d built up together.

“You’re an angel,” the tiny Texan would tell her, curled in close against Cordelia’s body late at night, breath a tiny puff of warm air in the cold. “I know it isn’t fair, for me to wish this on you, bein’ here and all..” Fred’s eyelashes brushed Cordelia’s cheek, and thin hands clutched at her, holding her close. “But without you I just don’t know what I woulda.. How I could have lived like this, all alone.”

Cordelia had landed in Pylea because of a vision, about a small librarian from Texas. Landed there, because she was trying to save Fred.

And in a way, she had.


Nominated at round one of the Absence of Light Awards for Best Angst - Drabble

cordy/fred, cordelia chase, ficlet, x-posted: ats_btvs_fanfic, femslash, x-posted: kinda_gay, fandom: ats, fred burkle

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