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Comments 22

x_spikeaholic_x June 22 2008, 01:02:34 UTC
I have no idea what possessed me to read this, but I'm glad I did. You did a great job with all this, it was really believable. Poor Cordy though, she would take the hard road.


dreamincolor June 22 2008, 01:26:27 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad that you were possessed to read it, and even more so that you enjoyed it.

Thanks again. :)


snowpuppies June 22 2008, 02:18:41 UTC

Your Eve voice is spot-on. Slick and seductive and everything you've ever wanted to hear, and so very convincing...

And Cordy. Oh, Cordy. Was just perfect. Ripping the paper, seeing through Eve's bullshit - completely IC with the woman Cordy was meant to grow into.

And the seduction...wonderfully done, love. Very sexy.

Oh! And the way Cordy sees Angel... He's the hero, and we so often see him swinging his sword and skewering the demons, strong and uncompromising...the warrior. And through Cordy's eyes, you've shown us his vulnerable side. *sniffle*

Well done, honey!


dreamincolor June 22 2008, 08:42:30 UTC

-licks you all over-

Your Eve voice is spot-on.

I'm so glad! I've never written Eve before but it was a lot of fun, creating an argument for why Cordy outta stick around. -sniff- Just like I wanted her to..

And Cordy. Oh, Cordy. Was just perfect..completely IC with the woman Cordy was meant to grow into.

-squash- Thank you hunny! I wanted to make her human enough to be tempted, but have her heroic streak come out in the end. I'm glad the combo seemed Cordy-esque to you.

And the seduction...wonderfully done, love. Very sexy.


Oh! And the way Cordy sees Angel...you've shown us his vulnerable side. *sniffle*

I always loved the Cordy Angel interaction, they were suck dorks around one another. Funny, snarky, cuddly dorks.

Well done, honey!

Thank you! -smooches- You're such a doll.


snowpuppies June 22 2008, 02:20:41 UTC
One small thing:

"She gestured absently towards several other, presumably evil Wolfram and Hart employee’s who’s heels clicked as they passed by the room, "

"who's" should be "whose"



dreamincolor June 22 2008, 08:43:54 UTC
Ooo..good catch. Thanks darlin! -smooch-


ajzkitten69 June 22 2008, 09:48:01 UTC
Okay, that made me cry. Mentions of Doyle tend to do that, not to mention my absolute and utter love for Cordelia, which drove me to read this, even though I normally stay away from slash and femslash. But it was so good! I love the way you portrayed Cordy. I think about what she could have been thinking during her last moments a lot (I write fanfic too, and I deal with that time period a lot because I can't help but fix certain things...) and I think you were dead-on, no pun intended. Very enjoyable.


dreamincolor June 22 2008, 13:19:30 UTC
Okay, that made me cry.

I'm glad! Er, well, not that you're crying, but that it evoked some emotion n'..oh, you know what I mean. -hands you a tissue-

Mentions of Doyle tend to do that, not to mention my absolute and utter love for Cordelia

Yeah, talk of Doyle definitely gives me the sniffles, and I do love that Cordy.

I deal with that time period a lot because I can't help but fix certain things

I definitely understand that. This is the only fic I've written that is pre her death, but I've written two featuring Cordelia in the afterlife - one with Doyle that might tickle your fancy - just because her death was so bloody terrible..I had to throw in some afterlife antics to smooth it out!

I normally stay away from slash and femslash. But it was so good!

Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it, even if it wasn't your norm.

Thanks again for the kind words. :D


You have been nominated at the Serenity on the Hellmouth Awards scratchingpost1 June 22 2008, 14:14:04 UTC
Your story or fanart has been nominated at the Serenity on the Hellmouth Awards round 5. If you would like the story (or fanart) to be nominated, please let me know. Information on the nomination can be found here: http://community.livejournal.com/sothawards/6494.html

I will not list it without a reply from you.

Also, please check the username and URL listed and let me know if I need to make any changes.

Michelle -- http://community.livejournal.com/sothawards/


Re: You have been nominated at the Serenity on the Hellmouth Awards dreamincolor June 24 2008, 06:19:32 UTC
Yippie! Thanks for letting me know, I definitely accept! :D

The username and URL listed are perfect. No changes needed.

I emailed you as well, just in case.

Thanks again!


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