[music| Peace and Hate // The Submarines ]
It had to be done.
I cut people who I either have never spoken to, have spoken to very rarely, or just don't update their Livejournals anymore. It isn't a case of "whoever comments more on my LJ I keep" but a case of just who I feel comfortable talking to and having my whole life revealed to them. It's a very personal situation.
If you can see
THIS POST with the adorable Bradley James laughing, I have kept you. Please let me know by commenting on this post if I cut you accidentally or if you want to be friends again. I may consider it and friend you back, I may not. Again, I am not friending people who just friend me on here and don't say a word, as stated in my Friends Only intro post - I'm pretty sure ALL of my posts are f-locked so there really is no point friending me and NOT telling me. I also think it's rude to just let people go without a word also, so if you plan on defriending me, please just let me know or make a post like this. I won't be offended, it's just decent human behavior.
Good Night, and Good Luck,